Oh come on Kojima!, we waited years for this, and you shut it down cause of Konami's botched HD handling of the collection, meanwhile you have no problem of releasing the seventeenth or whatever repacking of metal gear
seeing as how the last cross-generational games from launch only offered HD resolution as the noticable improvement for the next gen versions. what can they possibly offer this time around seeing as how HD resolution standards haven't changed. Cause we all know they aren't going to significantly boost the poly count, and the textures are just going to be slightly less compressed.
I'm interested, but wasn't there also suppose to be a third DLC for Enemy Unkown?, I'm still holding out for a reimagining of Terror From the Deep as an expansion pack.
A free map pack that integrates with the campaign would be nice as well
@Dirk_McHardpeck sex makes adds more profitible while controversy brings in more readers and thus more ad viewership, I would like to say its a double standard but really its more of well thought out commercial vicious cycle
Ignore him, this is literally just him trying to have a last political hoorah because he's finally running against someone set to kick his ass at the polls, thank god
kyle756's comments