@hystavito its kinda hard to explain how its different, its not like an MMO in the sense where everyone is present within the game world, instead its more like a giant "instance", where in the background the game is running constant matchmaking during the campaign taking people in and out at will.
@Ryuuken27 Copyright dictates you control all representations of your property, if it didn't, EA wouldn't be the exlusive rights holder for depicting porsches in their race games from their deal with Porsche, this is just EA trying to cut costs and its going to end up smacking them in the face.
Once again, if it isn't funded by the government but comes from the private sector which is what our entertainment industry is, than by definition of the word it's not propaganda it's just someone putting money behind an opinion, the meaning of the word didn't change over night just because you suddenly developed a opinion, pick up a dictionary if you don't believe me. Once again let me reiterate so there is no confusion, anything produced by the American entertainment industry is not propaganda unless it is explicitly funded by the US federal government which it isn't, our entertainment industry is PRIVATELY owned. Once again I can understand how this hard to understand for people where the state owns or has partial ownership in industries, which is NOT the case in the US. The federal government hasn't produced significant quantities of propaganda since the Vietnam conflict, I say conflict not war by the way because it wasn't a war as our Congress never declared one.
I can understand how it might be confusing for people who come from nations where traditionally most industries where under state control, but in the US where we operate a free market economy the Federal government has no controlling interest let alone interest in the entertainment industry, and by definition of the word propaganda, propaganda requires state sponsoring, your ending statement is thus invalid.
gamestop doesn't have to pay at all, right of first purchase is supreme court protected, its the same in every industry from preowned cars to preowned books, getting tried of these arguments where developers act like they are carrying a cross, I stand by free market before I'll stand by them, thats final
@S0loMANgrundy in spite of the review gamespot gave, the majority of players actually enjoyed the game, gamespot was one of the few reviewers that didn't like it. It was really more around an 8 in quality, yeah PC RTS's are better, but halo wars was hands down the best for consoles
kyle756's comments