Well they are funding Homeworld Shipbreakers (use to be Hardware Shipbreakers) by Blackbird Interactive which is staffed by many of the Relic employees who worked on the first Homeworld, so there is at least potential there
@19James89 hes talking about between Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 3, Bad Company 2 was a spinoff, although numbering in this series stopped having meaning long ago. I guess you could consider the campaign Battlefields the main series now, Starting from Bad Company to 4, but its debatable
@bunchanumbers you may want to extend that canon of yours to Reach, if your intent is to slight 343. Although I have to admit, even though I enjoyed Halo 4 for what it was, I too got the fanfiction vibe, what with all the master chief and cortana shipping, and the rather large number of continuity snarls
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