@tisoyboy2 @kyle756 I was talking about them going premium, its simply not worth a fee as it stands, Sony makes great games and devices, but they are completely a$$-backwards when it comes to making an ergonomic service. As I said before, the whole issue with Sub accounts is something that needs to be addressed, I am one of many who either made a new account, or has to carry two accounts to keep their premium content and trophies
I don't support it, PlayStation's service still has so many things wrong with it, for one thing in the entirety of its existence Sony has done nothing to fix the Sub account upgrade to Master issue. The handling of the download list is also pathetic, granted Xbox has the same problem, I would like to see both implement ways for the user to organize it by preference
@cellular dude in the place I live, the infrastructure is so haphazard, that the internet going out is a weekly occurrence, its like that in many places because the ISPs don't have to compete with each other often cause they have region locked consumers who only have one choice for service where they live.
kyle756's comments