being able to sell used items is a protected right, if they do this its blatantly illegal. I kinda want them to do it, just so it can to a US court, and allow us to bring up the issue of how the sell of used "digital" goods is also prevented, which they have been able to treat as a legal grey area for years, customers will only be willing to take so much abuse. And frankly new game sales will go down, if people aren't able to get some of their money back to spend again, so horrible business sense on top of unchecked greed
finally a step in the right direction for PSN, now if we can just get them to allow name changes, and the ability to upgrade sub accounts to masters, PSN can finally stop being so far behind
@toshineon @kyle756 There is only a small relation at best, our neighbor to the south Mexico, for instance, has far stricter gun laws, meanwhile there are large portions of territory in their nation that belong to the drug runners, who have done nothing but rampantly murder anyone who gets in their way. Its basically a war.
Also I recall there being a mass shooting in Norway not too long ago, I am aware of Sweden and Norway being two different nations, but you have to understand the cultural differences and geographical distances between your two nations are similar to the respective differences of the states in our Nation, thus by comparing Sweden to the US you are making a fallacy from the get go and exhibiting a general lack of knowledge of the US characteristic of many foreign countries. We are a country of 50 countries, some more independent than others, but each with distinct cultures. Now if you compare the EU to the US, that would be more accurate
@toshineon the vast majority of gun crime in the US is done by illegally obtained weapons as it is, banning guns would solve nothing and would be a blatant attack on our constitution, the real problem lies in the fact that our Media here goes out of their way to make spree shooters infamous and thereby gives those attention deprived, often depraved (and occasionally lost souls) exactly what they set out to achieve, their names remembered for something.
It was a good game, but next time I would like them to refrain from the needless changes in art-syle for established technology and races, and all the continuity snarls (MC's mark 6 armor looking like Gen 2, Halsey's flashbacks, the Forward Unto Dawn's random appearance changes). I also didn't like odd prevailing sense I had where it felt like I was playing fan-fiction at times, I'm aware of the novels establishing ancient humans as separate and at war with forerunners but Bungie's original direction was that forerunners were humans, now its too convoluted and reaching Metal Gear levels of Continuity lockout
@Massikker The two games you mentioned were neither developed nor published by Microsoft, so if Microsoft says they are going to focus on new games, those aren't them
@Massikker Plus a lot of the games they made where actually good like Perfect Dark Zero and Nuts and Bolts, both games might not hold to today's standards now but as far as I can tell some fans went into self-rightous fury because they tried introducing new game mechanics, which if they didn't do fans would be complaining that the games weren't different enough
@Massikker Fans have been complaining about Rare since before they made the so called kiddie games, and just cause a game is kiddie doesn't make it crap, its just not marketed towards your age group.
Also there is no where in this article where article where Microsoft made any official statement about what they are doing, just a simple statement that they were denied a trademark, so you are jumping the gun by getting angry anyway. My take is Microsoft is only reapplying for the trademark so they can rerelease the old games as arcade titles, not developing a new game.
kyle756's comments