@t0taldj @lex_in_the_moon @Pre_ordered_PS4 @bannermanner I know it's true. I just don't understand why you're defending CoD as a smart business move and hating on the clones. Hell, the CoD series is just clones of itself at this point anyways.
@t0taldj @Pre_ordered_PS4 @bannermanner Yet the CoD clones are there because they also make money. By your logic of "for the sake of business" they too are playing it smart.
@R2C25 But story is a main drawing point for some gamers (like me) because we do find it fun. I mean people can enjoy online shooters their whole life if that's what is fun for them but trying to defend one genre by ripping on another (rpg) really doesn't make sense. To each their own, right?
@MetalDogGear @lex_in_the_moon Your sentence is a really well supported argument, as I'm sure your problem with Final Fantasy would be. I know what E3 is to the industry, I just wish it wasn't that. It's all just dress up for cold hard game announcements, which is all we need. I'm just making a "I wish things were contrary to fact" statement and if you don't like it, then move on, friend-o.
@MetalDogGear @lex_in_the_moon That's not making my argument any weaker and it's just making you look like a racist. By the way, it's Final Fantasy Tactics. Speaking of random nonsense, at least I had something productive to say.
Agreed. Especially about the part that E3 is just a whole lot of hype and random nonsense with new gaming announcements an excuse for the whole thing. Give me a company which announces their new games and hardware sparingly throughout the year when they're ready, instead of this ritualistic crap where they're expected to show something extraordinary (and gamers are disappointed when they don't completely follow on their word).
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