@zenogandia @lex_in_the_moon @Pete5506 I know there are still good RPGs around and my comment was a purposeful exaggeration. But those are two series you named (yes I know there's also Fallout, FF is still going etc etc) I'm just saying the shear amount of quality RPGs have certainly declined. Action games and FPS really make up most of the popular fraction of gaming.
Unfortunately "key games" just seems to mean "new entries of the same old franchises" which are still fun to be sure, but it's not going to make me want to buy a new console! Nintendo has to acknowledge this, if I saw they are putting out a promising new IP then I would be all ears. As others mentioned third party support is also key because there's only so much Nintendo can put out. I really hope they get their act together.
Wait, I'm lost here. Is it supposed to be a sequel or remake of some sort? Or is that indecipherable? I'm gonna lean towards remake for now just to avoid disappointment.
All this article tells me is that this guy, who made some amazing games, is a perfectionist. It's typical of someone with a perfectionist personality to never be pleased with their own creations.
@DamnILoveGames You have a point but you have to stop to think why a job like "shoe enthusiast" involves more women. It's certainly not because they are biologically more likely to be interested in clothing fields, it's more so the roles that our culture pushes them towards. And in any case, women should never be subjected to less pay in the many fields that enforce it; it's just blatant sexism not many people seem to talk about (not saying you agree with it). My point is saying a certain job appeals more to one sex and that's just the way it is misses a lot of important points.
@Conan1985 Do you have any idea how many more jobs give preference to males than females? You find one that's the other way around and try to deny that we live in a very misogynistic society.
@drybonesXD @lex_in_the_moon Yeah, all those Final Fantasy games from before totally failed to engage me on an emotional and narrative level because their graphics weren't three gens ahead of their time lol :P
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