@zzamaro This has been practiced for many years and was not thought of yesterday or today. One of the reasons the most stores will not take back opened software is the fear of the software being pirated and the person got what they needed and now wants to get their money back. So I can understand thier position in the matter. However, Steam and any other company that deals in digital software where you must need them in order to DL your game have one flaw, what happens to your purchases when they bottom up and I am not talking one game because there are people like myself that may have a few thousand or more invested. People think they are getting a physical copy only to find that you still must play through Steam, Origin, etc. So therefore in some cases and it will happen more in the future. The notion that you have a copoy and you still can play is thrown out because the files you need to play are on Steam's servers.
Yeah that may be, but how much has that hurt MS? not very much. They just make up the revenue somewhere else. Steam might just as well pull out of Germany. This issue is a catch 22 and if Steam must allow the resale of goods, it has to be worked out who will provide any support. If the TOS was rewritten I might jump on that bandwagon as long as I do not take a loss.
The question should be who is responsible for support of that program that was resold to a second owner? Steam might turn around and say all support ended with the first owner and why should we offer any support to the second owner. Basically if Steam gets thier way and is not responsible for any resales, It will turn into buyer beware.
I wish them good luck in this but I do not see them winning anytime soon. The problem to me is that if someone wants to see thier game they may be able to sell the core game but not any pre-order bonuses that came with it and The company may not offer any support unless a fee is paid being any support that was offered was to the first owner and any owner after the first is not or will not be entitled to any support.
getting mine for the 360 and will wait for Steam to have a sale get it for the PC at that time. Of course the PC was going to win being it can be customized.
If that DLC is ready to go right now I can say that they may have did exactly that. But it is not lawfully wrong and again it is capitialism and we do have a choice in the matter, do we buy it or not. It depends on how you feel. Right now I do not wish to buy it.
That capitialism at work, yeah you might get angry that they are selling and talking about DLC even before the game is out. These days they want to maximize thier profits anyway they can. They are taking a big risk with making DLC because to sell the DLC the base game has to sell and get a very good review. If not money is lost and the publisher will not be very happy.
@braqoon Being I own the Wii and all the major consoles, each one has it quirks and benefits. Even though the Wii release of games was not the greatest, I love for the backward compatibility. I do not $60 for Live, I get my cards at Newegg and it cost me $39 to $49 a pop. I am also thinking about using PSN because I like to share the wealth. As far as the Wii U goes it may not win the war but it can still compete if they play to the right market and I love Nintendo because they were my first one to play besides Colecovision(RIP).
@strongmokus @Megavideogamer Yes, that be the case but you can increase that by getting an external HD. If you do not mind not having Wii-land if that what it is and you have a external that is laying around the house you save $50 provided the external works. I did not expect them to do a price cut so soon. now when the 720 and PS4 is due to come out that tune might change. because the war is going to be hot and heavy depending on what software will be released. SDs are good but in some instances Nintendo pointed out that a external may be better.
@queuing_for_PS4 I own both consoles and PC, I do see where those that own PC are coming from, why should PC users settle for a program that does not scale to the systems specs. It may scale to a console because if that console is not rooted all consoles use the same euipment pertaining to each company consoles so therefore devs do not have to do much whereas on the PC it is different. Sure I can get the console version(which I may have) but if they want me to spend my money on a PC version they have to come better than what they are doing.
lonewolf1044's comments