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lordbritish_69 Blog

What I did that was so horrible


40. Two souls with a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.

41. A true friend is one who likes you despite your achievements.

42. Quarrels do not last long, if the fault is only on one side.

43. Snatch a lover, and find a foe.

the thing i was talking about yesterday, the thing that died young. i was refering to coffee. when it is poured into the cup it is born, then i sip it slowly until it is completely gone. i gain from draining it away.

i showed up after church yesterday and everyone was so happy to see me, i got a lot of hugs, and they were all squeezing hugs too. but kelly and ben werent there, it sucks i need to talk to kelly and find if she can hangout with me on fri, maybe i'll call her. i gave josh a ride and three girls that needed a ride to the hospital. and then josh came inside and got on his xanga, and when he left he didnt sign off, so i thought i would play a joke on him and post some stuff that he would never say, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now he's mad at me. i thought we would just laugh about it, because the stuff i put was stuff that he would never say and some stuff i just made up as i went, i dont think anyone that read it believed that it was josh anyways. but its not like i went out of my way to do this though, i dint search for his password, it was just there. i dont think what i did is quit as bad as if i had gone out of my way to do it, its still bad though. so josh, im sorry, i didnt think u would be all that mad, i dont think any damage was done to your image from what i said. and i did deserve that comeback u made at me too. i hope we can talk again soon. if there is band practice today, i will see u then. later. oh, donations to Sinistrality are welcome, i need a mic so people can hear me.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

I have done something horrible

is it fare that u should have to die so young, i almost fell bad. through out your entire life, i was the cancer of your existance, slowly eating at u, tearing u away for my own personal gain. i ask u was this fare? will it ever be right? shoul i feel badly about what i have done? answer these questions for me and tommorow i will tell u who i am talking about.

i bought san andreas, yeah


38. The difference between good and evil, is only a matter of opinion.

39. Creation is not great accomplishment, because everything that you build, I can tear down in an instant.

i watched jacobs ladder again on monday, and believe it or not, it was even better the second time. this time instead of only seeing the evil, and disgusting uglyness of the movie, i saw the beauty, good, and masterful skill of the director, it is an amazing movie. such a great mind ****, i loved every second of it. i wont get to go to church tonight, because i have important stuff tomorrow that i have to study for, and i already know it basically and i know i could go to church and get an A on the tests, but mom doesnt think so and she is being an jerk and telling me i cant go, maybe i will anyways. who knows? i bought grand theft auto: san andreas yesterday, this game if freakin huge, i have played for atleast 7 hours and i still havent gotten out of the first city. and what sux is that my memory card doesnt have enough space to save the game, so its constantly running, all night long, constant humming, i can barely sleep its so annoying, but i wont lose my game, i must have josh clear some room for me on it. ok im done. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

proverbs 7


37. We read to know we are not alone.

my dog had puupies last night, 7 puppies, its weird because it feels like she is still a puppy herself, it wasnt that long ago when she started hanging around my other dog. i got called down yesterday about my cell phone bill. i am in debt up to my eyeballs because of it, there were massive overages and i hadnt paid the monthly bills, no one told me i had to, and when we started the phone plan my dad was going to pay half the monthly bill, and then he backed out and said that he never he would help pay, so when he did that i decided i wasnt going to pay, and now it has come to bite me in the ass. so i wont be talking on my cell phone as much, i might even give it up for awhile so i can pay back the debt faster. anyways, i will start talking on the land line to my friends. but i will make sure that my mom doesnt eavesdrop anymore. so to all my friends that i talk to alot on the phone, i will give u my home phone number and we can talk on that. leave a comment please.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

proverbs 4, 5, & 6

proverbs: these are all about truth, lies, and deception

23. Clever liars give details, but the cleverst don't.

24. Nobody forgets where he buried the hatchet.

25. It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.

26. The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it.

27. Success has always been a great liar.

28. We discover in ourselves what others hide from us, and we recognize in others what we hide from ourselves.

29. No man of honor ever quite lives up to his code, any more than a moral man manages to avoid sin.

30. We confess to little faults only to persuade ourselves that we have no great ones.

31. Truth is the cry of all, but the game of few.

32. Nothing is truer in a sense than a funeral oration: It tells exactly what the dead man should have been.

33. All charming people have something to conceal. usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others.

34. Many a truth is spoken as a joke.**

35. what is said when drunk has been thought out beforehand.

36. It is my opinion that every man cheats in his way, and he who is called honest has not been discovered yet.

i put so many proverbs because i missed the last 2 days. i watched "jacobs ladder" on friday, it was an amazing movie, i loved the part where he was in "hell" and the psycoligical aspect of it was very well done, i would call it a masterfull mind ****. i went to the mall with josh last night. we ran into kellymo, somehow i knew that i would see her there, i dont know why, i just did. and i was hoping to see her so it worked out great. ben was half asleep on his feet, kinda bizarre. josh even spoke too him and said his name and he didnt respond, i felt like an *** hole because i couldnt stop laughing at him, i tried to stop but i couldnt. well after the mall, josh and i went to the office with chelsea and tabitha, i dont know how to spell those names, and we all played pool. tabitha's team won both times, wich means that i lost both times. anyways leave a comment, and dont forget to join the blogring if u havent already. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

proverbs 3


22. The insecurities and jealousies of one, will cause damages and pains to the friend of the other.

well the lock-in was interesting, some girls put makeup on my face, i was pretty and matt renamed me "destiny"!

I keep hurting those i care about.all i want to do is hangout with them and have fun, but then it all goes to hell when someone gets jealous, i hate it so much. it just make things awkward and strange between us, i wish we could just hangout as friends and have it seen as only being two friends hanging out, with no sexual overtones involved. its happening with two of my friends and i wish it would stop, i dont want to hurt them, i want them to be happy, but i want to be happy too.

anyways, please leave comment.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

proverbs 2


18. I would will give up all my petty desires for one long sweet kiss.

19. In jealousy there is more self-love than true love.

20. A show of envy is an insult to oneself.

21. Men's evil deeds we write in stone, but their virtues we write in water.

ok yesterday i got called down by the principle of the school i part time at for my survey. it is a christian school, so everyone there is a shelter christian, except for me, and he told me that i cant ask anymore girls because it has sexual overtones and he wont have any of that in his school. it is weird.

so i read josh's post, and it made me decide to write alittle bit about my philosophy of the human nature. i do not believe in fate, a grand destiny, or anything like that. i believ that the only thing that can limit us from being who we want is ourselves. i believe that there are 4 things which shape us as human beings. genes, actions, memories, and the times.

genes are the bases of who we are, they shape what we look like, how smart we are, and, if we let them, they will limit what we can become. some people think of genes as being the blue-print for what each individual will become, like our destiny or fate, and if we let them do that, then they will. but we can overcome our genes and become the type of person we want to be. josh and i are born leaders, and not like others. it is written into our genes to be that way, or is it. did we become leaders and free thinkers because of genetics or did we become this way through something else. this brings me to the next part of my philosophy.

actions, events, and experiences. they shape us aswell. the actions and events in your life will influence u and have an effect on who u will be in the future. this is how strong freindships are born, by shared experinces. the more character shaping events u go through with a friend the closer u will become, because u will both have been changed at the sametime and in the same way. maybe josh and i became leaders not through genes, but through experiences in our lives. if i had never met syble, i would be vulnerable to heart break right now, i still am right now, but not as much as i would be if i had never gone through the whole thing with her. and im glad that i did, i would rather learn that relationships are just perfect now instead of learning it when im older and all i have had are perfect relationships and i wont know what to do.

memories, they shape us aswell. memories are important, they should not be suppressed, or else they will tear at your psyci and slowly destroy u from the inside, u will sabitage relationship without knowing why, u will push the people away that u should embrase. accept your memories and learn how not to be caught in the same harmful situations twice. memories are also important because they let u remember the actions, events and experiences that built u.

time, the last subject. by time i mean the time we live in. someone from the 1300's would be horrified by the way we dress and even afraid of it. if u dont understand what i mean then i dont think u will understand, because that is about all i can say about it.

that is my theory on what shapes our behaviours. its not exactly the most original idea ever created, but then again, what is? please leave a comment, i hope u enjoyed reading it, and that u took something away from it. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!


todays proverb(s) is/are....

15. It is not death, it is dying that alarms me.

16. Once she drew my whole soul through my lips, with one long kiss.

17. It is better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all.

so i just finished taking measurments of parts of my house, it was for math, im doing a little bit of architectural work, i drew the plans for a bathroom yesterday. and let me tell u it is fun. all i do is draw and write measurements. its awsome. i cant wait for wensday, i get to see kellymo and coral, yeah. im going to go now, leave a comment. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!


i have desided to begin saying one or more proverbs everyday. and for the first day i will give 10.

1. Protecting the future, and keeping the past alive, are one in the same thing.

2. Nobody is worthless, they can always be used as a bad example.

3. WAR! That mad game the world so loves to play.

4. War is a system out of which almost all the virtues are excluded, and in which nearly all the vices are included.

5."I thought I was going to die! It was Awesome!"

6. Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.

7. A soft lip would tempt me to an eternity of kissing.

8. Stolen kisses are always sweetest.

9. Four sweet lips, two pure souls, and one underlying affection - theses are love's pretty ingredients for a kiss.

10. Love sought is good, but love given unsought is better.

11. For all of my flaws, I still think I deserve something special in my life...even if it has to be worked for.

12. He who thinks for himself, and rarely imitates, is a free man.

13. Let the end try the man!

14. Custom is the law of fools!

ok so i did more than 10, but i got carried away. please leave a comment. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!

comment please!!!!

no matter what they have to say, so, if u read my last post (which was very emotional) then comment here or on that post please,

no matter what they have to say

i would like to know who reads my site. thanx. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!!