I lol'd at that. :P Yah the hair things true, thats usually a sign they're diggin on you. If you guys talk a lot and she laughs a lot at the things you say then thats usually a pretty good sign also. Just keep spending time with her and eventually you'll reel her in. Get that fishy son.
been a decade before i saw someone post this, so what the hell y not :P
lordlunch2's forum posts
Not gonna lie Blur amazed me with it's top of the line multiplayer, and I image the single player must also be really fun thanks to how cool all the power ups are. But for me, I like action, and although Blur has plenty of it to win a purchase with me, Split Second can get absolutely insane. When I'm driving down a landing strip at an airport and a huge airplane comes crashing out of the sky for me to dodge with my amazing skills, thats when I'm a jolly guy. Split Second is gonna be my first purchase probably despite it not probably going to get good reviews. What's everyone else on this one?
Alright so I just played them and was wondering what everyone else thought about them. I was surprised at how well SC 2 has the RTS scheme working on 360. It was pretty comfortable and aside from the graphics kind of sucking and the unit cap being placed at 250 EVEN with some frame rate problems, I thought it was pretty fun. Blur was the show stealer for me though. If you haven't downloaded this demo yet, you really should. The car power ups are a lot cooler than I thought they would be, and this will easily be one of the best and most developed online racing games ever. Theres my take. I'm probably going to get both of these games when they come out to be honest. I might just go ahead and get SC 2 on PC though.
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