lordlunch2's forum posts
I've been feeling like life is really shaping up lately and things might start getting pretty snazzy for me soon. I feel like I've really worked my way up to where, Im very slowly, getting to. So heres my story, and post all of yours folks. I figure theres gonna be a lot of bad ones, but post some good ones if ya got 'em. Make them long folks, leave nothing out, and post a funny picture with them if you really want to.
Heres as quick as a summary I can do of my life, I'm not saying my life is the worst life ever by any means (I'm in the U.S. so it cant be that bad). My father left before I was born, and I never even knew what he looked like till he came back when I was about 9. He stayed about 3 months and left again on christmas eve night. (Still dont know why exactly). I was a pretty physically abused child, (picture the kid in kindergarden that had to keep telling all the teachers he fell down to cover up what was happening at home). Lets just say my mom even broke her arm once hitting me. That continued till I was about 14. I had to hear a lot of crazy things too. She always was telling me ways she was going to kill herself, telling me ways she wanted to kill me, things like that just about everyday. By the time I was 15 my sisters husband sexually assaulted their daughter and went to jail for 3 years. When he got out my mom let him move in the trailer with us (I didn't ok it by any means). He was always yelling and screaming at her telling her he was going to leave her (all the time making me have to listen to her cry and say more about killing herself). Everytime I made him mad he would pretend to leave and mom would hold a knife to me and say she was gonna kill me.
Fast forward to me at age 17 and a half or so. I had been trying to get my brother (who worked about 65 hours a week and had 4 kids and a wife, to have time to drive with me. I had a firebird I bought for $300. WOOT. I worked all summer every summer from age 11 and up with him for $3 an hour for about 9 hours a day under houses isntalling ac units. I got a job at walmart when I was 17. But I still had only gotten to drive with my brother for about 3 hours. I failed my drivers test 3 times with him, and by law I have to drive 20 hours with someone to take the test again. Im almost 20 now and he works even more hours now, and my moms husband is trying to get her to stop communicating with me, now that they have me paying on a house they tried to rebuild and sell. When I was 17 (knew nothing about loans and banks) they tricked me into signing onto the loan as a co-owner, and now im pretty well stuck paying on this house they went 45,000 in debt with. For the last 2 years I have rode a scooter I bought, to work (the police like me and dont bother me with the whole scooter with no license thing) Last winter I had 2 near death experiences on the dang scooter (the drivers in my small town are worse than I am), and am about to enjoy my 2nd winter. My brother and I both have vacation at our jobs and says he will drive with me and help me get my license. So life could possibly get better within another 6 months if I get the license. Im pretty smart, can build a PC with my hands tied behind my back, program websites with 5 differnent languages, yadda yadda. With a car I might get to go places. lol.
Now to top the whole story off, I have never even raised my voice at any1 my whole life. I never fight people, Everyone in my town loves me and thinks Im hilarious and smart (remember I work at walmart lol). I've never messed with drugs or even beer or cigarrettes. All I've done is spent years in a room by myself learning everything I can about programming and computers. Hopefully I can get a car soon and make myself a fancy man lol. things are lookin better
I dunno, I was mad when I first heard the news about no dedicated servers and stuff but I got over it as I knew there was nothing we could do. Bought the game and love it as I knew I still would. But good lord look at the ratings people are giving it on amazon.com. 97 of the ratings are 1's. Like one of the ratings actually even talks about the game. Seems like people are overreacting quite a bit.
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