lrsp's forum posts
I wouldn't bother sending it in for repairs. I sent mine in for repairs and the refurbished one I got back got the yellow light of death like three months afterward so now I am pondering to get a Slim or a 360.My ps3 stopped reading discs right after my warranty ran out, so I figured what the hell and opened it up in an attempt to fix it. I actually lost a screw to the blu ray drive somewhere inside my ps3 while taking it apart. I couldn't find it so I just continued on and cleaned the laser lens. I fear that because of that they may not fix my system, even if I pay the 150 dollars for it. Anyone know if they will still fix it for me?
Your PS3 should prompt you to format the new hard drive to FAT32 cause that's the only thing it recognizes. As for saving your system's settings, that you can save onto a jump drive for example. At least I think cause that's what I do. Just remember that you have to deactivate your PSN account before you swap drives then reactivate it afterwards otherwise you could run into trouble. Also back up your trophies to the servers because those you cannot save on external memory!M'kay, the only thing I really care about transferring over is my gamesaves, which I already have copied to a SD card. So, when you put the new hard drive in the PS3, can you recover your profile, account, and system settings, or do you have to back up all that and the OS too? In other words, am I going to have to go back and reset all those video, audio, system, etc. settings to where I want them? Also, will the PS3 automatically format the drive to FAT32, or do I have to do that myself somehow? I've heard about some people putting in new hard drives and the PS3 not recognizing it. I want the Seagate 500 Gig, but I can only find one at 7200 RPM. Will that overheat or damage the PS3?
That's the main thing I don't like about my XBox 360. We have to use their special made, rediculously overpriced first party hard drives, and it doesn't look like they will be making anything above 120 Gigs. They won't even make a memory card over 512MB. I also hate not being able to transfer saves, music, pics, and movies back and forth from my PC with a SD card, and not being able to download other people's saves.
Amen brother. That is what I am saying!I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a console that doesn't die because the manufacturer screwed up. I just sent in my second 360 today. I think people are perfectly in the right to complain. I for one am going to wait to buy another console from MS in the future. Even the second one I just sent in was supposed to have the new chip and it got the RROD anyway. So yea I am a little pissed. I popped in Borderlands for the first time hoping to play and my console bricked on me. Now I gotta wait... Oh well... and as for "as long as I don't play my console to much" that is a load of bull. What else are you supposed to do with it, paint it's nails, grab a cup of coffee with it, take it for a walk. I'm sorry but consoles are meant to be played no matter how much. I leave my PC on for days and no problems. I play my 360 once every few and it dies.
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