[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"][QUOTE="Lonelynight"][QUOTE="WuTangG"] Seriously, the PC version will look better, but because you have spent $3000 on it dont expect nothing more than a few less jaggied lines and a more detailed rock because simply increasing fidelity way beyond wont magically make it that much better
In other words, THEY LOOK THE SAME
But PC gets more people online
360 version will sell a hell of a lot more. Tehre are far too many games coming out in November in which PC gamers will buy ahead of CoD4. Crysis and UT3 being just two.
With a predicted global userbase of 200 million, I think COD4 will do fine on PC in terms of sales. I highly doubt Crysis and UT3 being released is going to retard COD4's sales to any major extent.
And it's not like the 360 is going to have a quiet November, it's getting Mass Effect
He must haveread how Bioshock on 360 outsold the PC version by a 7:1 margin in August. It's called preemptive damage control
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