I hope there's a decent few exclusives shown at the next xbox reveal too, I know its cliche, but I really couldn't care less about the new Call of Duty game! Its nice to hear this from someone with xbox though - that there will be a bunch of exclusives and games shown. I was getting worried it really was going to be all about unrelated bells and whistles, that xbox being an all around media device tripe... The PS4 still has left a good impression on me already, though their event was fairly underwhelming
A gun legislation strategy meeting, with religious leaders? I'm sorry, but what do religious leaders have to bring to the table? That meeting should have been with smart people versed in reality, not make-believe and superstition. Researchers, scientists, sociologists, psychologists.
@Simulator_Shock Mate, if you consider that a joke, let alone funny, you have problems. And not just problems with feminists, problems with men like me who are sick of other men giving me a bad name. You're doing it wrong.
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