@TommyBarban Haha I forgot the dreamcast controller had a screen too (though technically the memory card that you shoved into the controller). I used to try playing Virtua Tennis on the controller and not look at the screen. Plus in Sonic Adventure you could upload your 'chao pet' to the memory card with the screen in the controller, and essentially take it anywhere like a tamagochi. And you're right, it did leap forward in graphics as well. I loved my dreamcast. I guess the similarity I felt was more so the timing of release rather than a lack of next-gen prowess
Are there any games worth getting the WiiU for? I haven't seen any? I'm seriously asking here; the only thing I've seen that interested me was using the gamepad as the motion tracker in Aliens: colonial marines. On a side note, I'm worried about what nintendo's game plan is, this sort of pre-mature anti-next-gen console reminds me of the dreamcast (Although it was worth having to me just for Sonic Adventure alone, plus I played the hell out of Marvel vs Capcom 2 on it, and it pioneered online functionality)
I still own all three, but it would be cool for someone who hasn't played them to do it all in one go. Great, great series. I don't think enough people appreciate what Bioware achieved, it deserves to go down as legend in video game history
I've been saying I'm just going to watch a Lets Play or something for the story and not actually play this.. But I don't know, I really do like Halo, tight gameplay, the visuals and music always resonates because of that nostalgically brilliant first play through of Halo: CE.. Mm, I still can't buy or play games until I graduate from uni, two more exams to go
"All that is good in me, began with you, father" Thats a touching line. I'm glad I watched this and Brotherhood, I missed some important story elements in deciding to wait for III after II
@Vojtass @TohouAsura True true, I suppose I was just using the term to directly reply to Tohou as he used it. Looking forward to seeing more of Project Eternity! Hadn't heard of the new Shadowrun project.. Might have to check that out
@TohouAsura Yes, those are the reasons why I said development with console releases in mind may not be the best thing for the game. A post-PC port would be preferred, I agree.
That being said, "Screw your consoles" and "Shove it" are just embarrassingly childish statements, unnecessary, good sir. Oldschool RPG's a fantastic, the Mass Effect series are also quite wonderful.
Actually a little excited about this! I know PC gamers will hate me for it, but it would be nice if it had a console release.. Though development with a console release predetermined might not be the best thing for the game. Might have to update my PC.. The last game I used it for was System Shock 2
EB Games sucks for prices. I haven't been there in years, I just go to an independent store I know. The most I've paid for a new game there was $88, which seems more reasonable to me regarding adding import prices on top of the standard US $60
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