[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"] Where do you guys get this idea? Maybe same franchises, but they have evolved, and I am sick of this argument now. People were calling Kid ICarus 3DS a rehash when there hasn't been a Kid Icarus game in 20 years, and it was nothing like the 3DS one.Mario1331
let's see....all mario has done for the past 30 years is rescue the princess from bowser. sure they may have changed the locations once in a while, but the game relatively stayed the same. same goes for link in the zelda franchise. nintendo isn't as revolutionary as people like to think. they pretty much create gimmicks and hope to bank on them. that has back fired a few times (powerglove, virtual boy and gameboy advance micro come to mind). but in terms of their games, yeah, they're pretty much rehashes. then again, the same could be said for most sequels.
it likes every game now has to have a story for people on this forum to be happy.
micro was not a flop it actually sold all its units it was a collectible item not a hot sku like the ds is.
nintendo is revolutionary they focus on gameplay which is why many devs cant top them in that department, they showed many times you dont need a story for a game to be fun SMG2 is a prime example of that.
Nintendo constantly changes their franchises just look at kirby epic yawn no kirby game has been like that before.
I think thats kinda his point. They release rehashes of the same games all the time. Kirby might be totally different then the old ones, but why dont they just make a diff game then? because they want people to see the name brand and think oh i played that game 15 yrs ago and it was awesome. They are going for the nostalgi effect.Can someone name me a new ip nintendo has made that is well recieved with gamers and journalist this gen, even last gen for that matter. Not trying to be an a** im being serious, i cant think of one, but my brain might just not be workin
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