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#1 mackey25
Member since 2010 • 66 Posts


[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"] Where do you guys get this idea? Maybe same franchises, but they have evolved, and I am sick of this argument now. People were calling Kid ICarus 3DS a rehash when there hasn't been a Kid Icarus game in 20 years, and it was nothing like the 3DS one.Mario1331

let's see....all mario has done for the past 30 years is rescue the princess from bowser. sure they may have changed the locations once in a while, but the game relatively stayed the same. same goes for link in the zelda franchise. nintendo isn't as revolutionary as people like to think. they pretty much create gimmicks and hope to bank on them. that has back fired a few times (powerglove, virtual boy and gameboy advance micro come to mind). but in terms of their games, yeah, they're pretty much rehashes. then again, the same could be said for most sequels.

it likes every game now has to have a story for people on this forum to be happy.

micro was not a flop it actually sold all its units it was a collectible item not a hot sku like the ds is.

nintendo is revolutionary they focus on gameplay which is why many devs cant top them in that department, they showed many times you dont need a story for a game to be fun SMG2 is a prime example of that.

Nintendo constantly changes their franchises just look at kirby epic yawn no kirby game has been like that before.

I think thats kinda his point. They release rehashes of the same games all the time. Kirby might be totally different then the old ones, but why dont they just make a diff game then? because they want people to see the name brand and think oh i played that game 15 yrs ago and it was awesome. They are going for the nostalgi effect.Can someone name me a new ip nintendo has made that is well recieved with gamers and journalist this gen, even last gen for that matter. Not trying to be an a** im being serious, i cant think of one, but my brain might just not be workin

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#2 mackey25
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i actually enjoyed it. Havent bought ncaa football in a while but i might pick this one up. The gameplay feels so much better then in previous years. It feels more fluid and like actual football if u know what im sayin. Plus it has timmy t on the cover! Go GATORS!

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#3 mackey25
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MAG's online play is awesome, the only hold back was the amount of Maps and maybe with this latest dlc maybe they are starting to open up and get that issue out of the way. But as for gameplay its been there. Heck I say it is more of a new BF game than what BC actually is, atleast I can go prone lol. Also the intricate gameplay is awesome. You take down bunkles to stop respawn points, no paratroopers or airstrikes til the AAA is down, squad leader call in airstrikes and bunker busters, platoon leaders call in strafing runs aswell as gas strikes to clear areas, OIC has his own actions while each are barking out orders. The command structure is awesome aswell as the communication for which. Seems simple to the naked eye but it is definitly a task at hand that when done properly your teamcan feel like a steam roller.

People who knock on the game really are just cod scrubs and I'm sorry but that dang game has actually ruined this entire gen as far as I'm concerned. I would like BC2, but I'm sorry they should have went with atleast 16vs16 or 32vs32 for those maps. MAG is truely the full effect battlefield, that takes full team work to accomplish your mission at hand.

Also the latest maps are awesome aswell, definitly love the one that is more woodland. Ran up a hill just to find about 10 guys laying in the brush outside of their artillary to ambush us as we came up. It was a epic fire fight lol.

But yes TC, all games after played enough can get stale. To me Socom holds my attention cause of the amount of skill needed to be great, its a game that you play to better your self. Mag is the game I play to have a blast with a group of friends, its truely a coop heaven when playing it with a group lol. But at some point we all need a break from a game or games. Theres so many that come out but only a few are going to hold your attention for a long time. But what is great is that there is so many that if tired of one just slide over to another to freshen things up for a bit.

Also I hope cod guys find out in the near future that there is more games out there, that are truely more fun to play and has deeper gameplay elements geez.Or atleast games you don't have issues partying up with lol.


This. I love the teamwork in MAG. Its an awesome feeling when your squad is working together and dominating the game by yourselfs. How is the dlc? Is the new game mode cool. Let my buddy borrow the game so havent had a chance to check it out.

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#4 mackey25
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[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] I wasn't bashing now was I :| I thought his comparrison(or Halo jab) was a rather piss poor attempt given what has been shown of Reach has shown to be far more progressive than what Killzone 3 has shown. jg4xchamp

This thead is about visuals so your retort fails. Neither of us have played the retail version of either game to know what they have or don't have as far as content so your argument double fails.

You want to make a argument about progression make a new thread--and still fail because you don't have enough infomation to make a logical evaluation.

Fine even visually what has been brought back? a retooled engine? all the assets have been replaced and changed. Halo Reach looks nothing like Halo 3, to the point it looks much better. Come on now you want to talk about failing logically and then use pictures to assume that a game has copy and pasted its visuals from a predecessor? Also I believe I did say "based on what has been shown" again you might be out of your league here son.

Just for the record you are talking to 2 diff people. His halo jab wasnt necessary either , it just looked like you were taking a jab a killzone with your remark. I was just pointing out we dont know much about killzone yet. I apologize if i took your comment out of text. No harm no foul.

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#5 mackey25
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That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...


With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth.

Yeah, that's how I feel about it. And the whole thing about calling his friend who liked skating games but can't afford Skate 2 an idiot kinda pissed me off. The kid is completely self-centered and can't for a second grasp the concept that other people aren't as spoiled as him.

Same here. He was just annoying. Off topic what a shocker he didnt like MAG and thought COD was the greatest thing ever:roll: Kids like him are one of many reasons i play MAG and cant stand to play COD

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#6 mackey25
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I completely agree. Thats one of the reasons i love killzone so much. Its hard to camp and get your k/d ratio up, plus no one looks at that anyways they just see how many points you have at the end of the game. You also get a 1.5 multiplier to your points if your team wins which gives you incentive to win. Nothing sucks more then being tied 3-3 on the last game mode with 300 pts and fighting your butt off to not get that multiplier. I wish more games would do something like that.

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#7 mackey25
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[QUOTE="i_am_interested"] like what?jg4xchamp

Maybe he's thinking Halo?

Halo Reach

Halo 3

Halo Reach's beta showed alot more additions to the formula than Killzone 3 did to be quite honest :?

Keyword halos BETA. That wasnt even a full level in killzone 3 and you people are all making assumptions. They were showing off the jetpack gameplay. That was pretty much it. Lets wait until more info comes out before we start bashing a game 8 months away

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#8 mackey25
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[QUOTE="Ravensmash"] Oh come on, I'm not denying it doesn't look visually great - but there is very very little colour variation.akbar13

Its a war you really think war is all color and flash???.

Plenty of war games have colors.

But then you would complain that it looks like all other war games. its one level calm down. They said there would be jungle levels an many different locations, so lets just wait and see. Helghans buildings are all metal, whick is usually grey. Even so it still looks great. I never knew so many people loved bright colored games so much.

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#9 mackey25
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Rumor Central Update:

Just a couple days ago broke news about PS3 firmware 3.40 and the possibility of it including cross-game chat. This all began when I heard and saw that foreign PlayStation sites were advertising cross-game chat on their websites by saying:

"Cross-game Voice Chat: invite your friends to chat online no matter what game you're all playing, even if they aren't members of PlayStation Plus."

There has been loads of anticipation since, so I decided to dig deep and hit up Sony themselves. Read more to find out what they had to say.

So while many sites were given quotes confirming cross-game chat will not be a part of PlayStation Plus, none of these quotes either confirmed nor denied it being a part of PS3 FW 3.40, so I dug deep and got in touch with one of Sony's company spokespersons, Julie Han, and asked if PS3 owners can expect cross-game chat in PS3 FW 3.40 and this is what she had to say:

"It will not include cross game chat."

So there you go folks. The highly anticipated cross-game chat will not be a part of PS3 FW 3.40 and for reminders, PS3 FW 3.40 will go live June 29th.


Yeah they also said it in the e3 pulse edition on the ps store

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#10 mackey25
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ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE JUST LIKE BFBC2. Honestly, If I see people compare it over and over I am going to puke. Yes, the mp is made by DICE and sure it bares resembleance to BC but its not suppose to be an exact copy and I never expected it to be. I love it because it is fast, fun and feels like a hybrid between MW and BC. I think thats a good thing. This game has much easier aiming than most and the weapon balance seems better than most games. I prefer the snipers in this game cause they don't float all over the place you are trying to shoot from a boat on water. It has graphics similar to BC but it has cleaner textures I believe and I am digging the whole Marines vs Taliban ordeal. Gives a sense of realism that other games neglect by adding fake militias to fight.

My only gripe so far with the beta has been the constant freezing, which is far worse than any minor gameplay bugs. Its happened so often to me that I dread rebooting my PS3 to play this. How can they release the beta knowing about this MAJOR problem. I am sure it will be fixed before launch but I hope they fix it by the end of the week or my playtime with this beta will be short.

If you don't like Stop playing it and go back to BFBC2 or MW2 or whatever it is that floats your boat. The rest of us will be quite happy to be fraggin each other for another few weeks on MOH.


I think the problem is that a lot of people thought it would take the good parts of bf and cod, not the worst. When i heard DICE was doing it i thought it would be a lot more team oriented. Thats why i like bf more than cod, b/c im not just a lone wolf searching for someone to kill i am focused on helping my team with an objective. It just seems they targeted all of CODs fans and none of Bf, which is a mistake since Bf players will b attracted to it since they know DICE only to find out they just reskinned COD with BF skins. It almost feels like they dont care. The saying when Uncharted 2 came out was that they didnt do any thing new, they just perfected it. It seems MOH doesnt do anything new, yet it takes those things and actually made them worse.