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mad_cow19 Blog

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity

Heh, random picture I took at school. That was a couple months ago, my hair's a bit longer now. I keep telling myself I'm going to trim it a little bit, but I never get around to it, but I find it is annoyingly long now. I really wouldn't mind hacking off a couple inches.

WARNING: This blog may contain Half Life 2 Episode 2 Spoilers, nothing to do with the storyline itself but with the enemies and a battle event. Nothing to do with the plot will be spoken of. It also may contain drug references, and a large amount of male nudity.

So Episode 2 was amazing. I was shocked at the ending. It was much better then Episode 1, though Ep1 did have some very good parts to it.

I have to say, the Hunters really pissed me off. I thought they were pretty cool at first, but I hate them. The acid antlions were a much better addition to the enemy line-up. I got 261/333 of the grubs :lol: I highly doubt I'll ever try for them all.

The car was a lot of fun. I found it most useful at the end with the Striders and Hunters. I'd just run over the Hunters then attack the Striders. The strider buster was a blast, I think the end was the best battle of the game.

The boat with the company name on it (no spoilers) was a massive amazing addition to the storyline. I was so amazed they added that. I can't wait for episode three, and see what's going on in that place.

Episode Three looks like it's going to be really awesome, too bad it's going to be a while till we'll see it.

Team Fortress 2 is a ton of fun still. I mostly play as heavy for kicks, but I don't do so well on the score. I find myself shooting everything, hitting it all, but fail to kill, unless some scout decides to run up on me.

Another role I enjoy playing is medic, which goes along with heavy. Really, all of the roles are a ton of fun. I have yet to play much engineer, demo man, and scout.

Spy is a lot of fun, but so hard to really pull off. I did get a enemy medic to heal me:twisted: and then killed him.

If any of you silly people want to play some TF2 when I'm not at work ( rarely ) I'll be more then happy to join your server.

My friend and I have a clan -{FAW}- Fallen Angels of War, and it was going to be a Red Orchestra clan mostly, but I think we're gonna look at just doing TF2. Sadly, my clan has two people in it; my friend and I, but if we really start playing we could always get more people. The only thing we lack is a server, which us both having jobs, we could easily get one, but the problem with us both having jobs, is we're never on :(.

One last thing before I go, and one you should read, hell you could have skipped the rest to just read this.

Lydia and I smoked Salvia -wikipedia link- last night, ( Salvia is a legal drug, so I'm not talking about anything I could get in trouble for ) and it was the strangest experience I've ever had. It hit me right after we started smoking it. I just sat there and stared at my bed, but it was as if I were dreaming. Lydia hadn't felt it yet, so she didn't really know what I was doing. I had such a hard time speaking, and when I did produce a strange sentence I would laugh uncontrollably, because speaking was so weird and the very fact of speech was oddly hilarious. After a few minutes I regained consciousness, and really didn't know what happened. Imagine being lost in a dream while you're completely awake and feeling every part of your body, it was like I could feel the very atoms in my body moving. It was a pleasent feeling though, until I could feel it in my brain, and that's when I really was out of it, and off on my experience. I didn't know what was real and what was just an overload of emotion. I noticed my hands were sweaty, like I had them clinched for the duration ( 2-3 minutes ) of my trip. After the main trip I laid in bed and just wanted to sleep, and after about 5 minutes of laying there I went back to being completely normal. She tripped too, but while I was, and I didn't want to talk that night afterwards, so I'm not sure really what her experience was of. I'll be sure to talk to her about it when she comes over tonight. Overall it was very interesting, kind of scary to be honest, I don't think I'm going to do that again for a while.

I don't understand why you would make it illegal, when I was using it, I couldn't move, therefor cause any harm to anyone. Some kid killed himself, but there's far too many confounding variables to say that Salvia was the leading cause to his death.

Anyhoo I'm going to get back to doing some homework, thank you all for reading this abnormally long blog of mine.

the cake is a lie!!!

Wow, so I finally got the orange box :)

I beat Portal, it was such an awesome little game, i really really enjoyed it. VALVe seriously are geniouses for the whole story of this game, and how you progress.

Team Fortress 2 is amazing as well. I've had a lot of fun playing it for the short time I have, I see myself spending a lot of hours on it. The graphics are amazing, and I love the source engine. I can max it out with AA and Afiltering at 1024x768 and get like 40FPS.

The only game I haven't played yet is HL2 EP2. I wanted to wait till I had time to really sit down and soak up the story. EP1 really left me hanging, and I can't wait to spend some serious time with EP2.

Short blog, but I'm tired, and I get off work in 48min (grr I'm ready to go home).

The only thing you've mangaged to break is my heart

I am not alone in this body

It's all ok people! I got re-addicted to BF2, and I'm picking up the orange box next week. Looks like a long PC gaming road ahead of me :)

Tomrrow is Lydia and I's 7 freaking month! It's so awesome.

Isn't she freaking hot? :D

See you guys on the battlefield

My life as a PC gamer

Is seeming to draw to an end.

My computer is too out of date, and it's going to be way too expensive to upgrade to what I would need to play these DX10 games.

I used to consider myself a pretty hardcore PC gamer, but nothing is holding my attention and I just don't have the time anymore. I haven't even thought about picking up the Orange Box yet.

By the end of this year I plan on having a 360, which I will be more willing to play, considering the gameplay and graphics are going to be far superior to my PC.

7 days till Lydia and I's 7 month. I should post a pic of us next blog. Our relationship is freaking amazing, 7 months is a pretty long time, but it doesn't seem very long really. I don't see us breaking up any time soon.

Well I guess I'ma quit writing and get back to work.

You look so much better dead

I doubt I'm ever gonna play WoW again lol. I got on for about 5min tody, and was bored as sin. Either this part of the game really sucks, or I just completely lost the addiction.

I havent really been playing any games. I did get Medal of Honor Airborne, which is a lot of fun.

Haha, there was a show at The Music Hall (a tiny building where tons of local bands play, mostly high school bands), and I hardcore danced :lol: It was a lot of fun, and one hell of a workout!

You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

In one day my WoW guild went from 50 people to 10! How is it that 40 people left in like one freaking day?!?

Work is awesome, just I'm really tired :(. School + work + homework = not much time. The only reason I'm posting this is because I can't sleep for some odd reason.

Tomorrow ( 8/28 ) is my birthday. I'm getting a car! It was only $800, and I've already paid $300 of it, and the rest is my birthday present. I'm excited.

Anyhoo, I guess ima try and get to bed. One day I'll start commenting on people's blogs, just haven't had much time lately.

This is not the greatest blog post in the world, this is just a tribute.

Wow. I got a new job! I'm a University of Arkansas computer lab operator :). I work 22 hours a week, plus school, plus sleep, meaning i'm not going to be on much after next week. I highly doubt I'm going to be renewing my WoW account, (it expires in October). So I still have quite a while, but I don't plan on playing too much, which is fine with me, I needed to find something better to do anyway.

I work Monday 4pm-9pm, Tuesday 6pm-10pm, Wednesday 6pm-10pm, Thursay 6pm-10pm, Friday OFF!, Saturday 7pm-Midnight (closing shift, I get a security code, and a key to the lab :D, and Sunday OFF. Friday is Lydia day, and Sunday is sleeping day. So not much time for WoW or GS. I'm thinking about letting someone else take over the leader position in the guild I'm in.

My guild owns, we're at 49 members, and they are all pretty awesome. But I just won't have time. And WoW isn't important enough to spend all my free time on. I don't work until Sunday at Taco Bell, and then Tuesday at Taco Bell, then after that I'm done with that job.

My new job owns so hard. I get to walk around and help people with computer problems, and a lot of it's got to do with the software, so I'm going to be learning a ton. I start at $6.70 and after all the trainings done (idk when thats gonna be) I can get all the way up to $7.50 an hour, at 22 hours a week = a lot of money.

Anyhoo, I hope you guys have fun, I don't think i'm going to have much time for GS, but when I do, i'll be sure to check in once in a while, but starting Monday things are going to be very busy.

He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align

WoW is amazing :P I have a 27 Human Warrior on Moonrunner, and a sexy night elf chick level 11 on Gorfiend :lol: I've been spending way too much time on it. Past 7 days 71 hours!!!, and I hit 160 hours on total time. Lydia's bday in 10min :). Not much to really talk about. Just been playing WoW....


And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old.

WoW....WoW....what can I say about WoW other then....WoW.....I love it. I bought the box and a game card :lol: I have WoW till the end of October.

Lydia was like addicted to Geometry Wars, and wouldn't talk to me, and wants me to install it on her PC...

I've been falling behind majorly on other peoples blogs, but if you leave a comment I will be sure to comment you back asap.

Anyone got the new Harry Potter book? I'm supposted to be buying it for Lydia here soon.


Dear God I feel it, I need's flowing through my veins, it's uncontrollable. I need some kinda MMO, I want to waste countless hours leveling up, oh God I need it. I've seen a lot of people play Silkroad online. Any good?