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mad_tyger Blog

I Want The Cup!

Well, if you didn't know before, I'm a HUGE hockey fan!!!!!!!! Unfortunately there aren't any teams close to me, so I end up having to travel down about 8 hours to San Jose to see a game! And they are so super fun! Anyway, playoffs have just started and my three fave teams are in!!! The San Jose Sharks, the Anaheim Ducks, and the Buffalo Sabres!!!! Though I am a really big Sharks fan (I love Toskala!) I don't think that they will be able to go all the way. They did beat Nashville in their first game last night, and they have a good chance of winning the series but I really don't think that theycan beat some of the other teams. The Ducks I think have a slightly better chance but I'm really rooting for the Sabres to win the Cup! They were robbed last time cause of the stupid ref calling a bad penalty! But either way, I hope all of my teams go far!

On another note, I'm completely stuck on Oblivion, lol. I've given up . . . and started playing Splinter Cell Double Agent for the PS2 cause the PS3 version got delayed or something. All I know is I won't get it until May. I also finally got Pirates for the PSP! I love that game, that was the game that got me into gaming!!!!!! So it brings back good memories :D

Also, there are 15 Power Folders!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Thanks to all of you who joined and are helping out!!!! Great job :D

P.S. I finally wrote up a profile thingy-ma-bobby so please read it and tell me what you think!


Ok, some of you might remember that in May I'm going down to San Jose for Fanime Con, an anime convention! Well, guess what? Play! A Video Game Symphony is going to be in San Jose the same weekend!!!!!!!!!!! So I'm going!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!! If you don't know what Play! is, it's a big symphony orchestra that plays video game music from Final Fantasy, MGS, WoW, and more!!!!!! I seriously cannot wait!!!! IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!

On a different note, I've been playing a ton of Oblivion! It rocks!!! But I kind of wish there was less to do, lol. I'm one of these types that likes to finish everything in the game, get to the last boss, and quit! I am going to try and finish the game though . . . in about 5 years! Also, I kept on getting annoyed by little things and I couldn't figure out why. Like, towns being crowded with people or getting attacked at ruins, and then I realised. I'm so used to Shadow of the Colossus that Oblivion seems to be really crowded and full of toomany "living" things, lol. Which totally makes me hope that the sequel to SotC is just as awesome!!!! I seriously cannot wait for a PS3 game from Ueda-san!!!!!!

Folding@Home Team - Power Folders (56257)

postWell, I think I'm going to call it! The new team name is . . . *drum roll* . . . Power Folders!!!!! So, those who want to join please post which Power Folder you want to be and then join team 56257 on Folding@Home to get started!!!! Thanks for all of your support in trying to cure cancer!!! To check our team stats or your own individual stats, go to:

Here's the article that GameSpot wrote on it too:

UPDATE: Thanks to all of you who joined!!! If you check out our team page and don't see your name listed, it's probably because you haven't completed a Work Unit yet. Only members who have done at least 1 Work Unit are listed. So, don't worry if you haven't shown up yet. If you have already completed a Work Unit, you might want to recheck the Team ID Number that you listed. Thanks again, it's awesome to see all the support!

mad_tyger: White Power Folder

B1ACK_MAGE: Red Power Folder

stl_rams28: Black Power Folder

live4thepackers: Silver Power Folder

killroycantkill: Green Power Folder

jigglespot: Clear Power Folder

foxtrot89: Yellow Power Folder

firestorm91: Gold Power Folder

punkhead66: Gray Power Folder

ray_master777: Nightshade Power Folder

LittleYoshi: Orange Power Folder

hart704: Aqua Power Folder

usagi704: Bronze Power Folder

Timebreaker_49: Peach Power Folder

zeke2040: Blue Power Folder

greenpyro33: Lime Power Folder

Folding@Home - Join The Team

With the PS3 1.60 update, you'll be able to join the cure for cancer. I think it's a great way to help out when you aren't using your PS3. I think we should all try and help out as much as we can!!! I have mine running as I type this and plan on leaving it on for the day. Anyway, I'm trying to form a team, so if you are interested, just let me know. I'm also trying to come up with a team name. Here are the suggestions I've gotten so far. Feel free to vote for your fav or give another suggestion.

To join the team, just enter the following number - 56257. Hopefully, we'll have a team name picked out bynext week:D

Power Folders - 2

Cure Makers - 1 (Cure Makers was already taken as well!)

The Cure Coalition

Magik Makers

Next Gen Cure

The Research Team

New Frontier


Cancer Killers - 2 (unfortunately, cancer killers is already taken)

Into Oblivion

Just gotta say real quick that I finally got Oblivion!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooohoooooooo!!!!!!!! Seriously, been waitin' for this game since November . . . but I finally got it now!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to retire to my den and totally play this game till my hands fall off!!!!!! So I'll see you all in a few . . . years :D

I wanna go Home!!!!!!

Seriously!!! Have you seen the news from GDC? I really think that Sony's PlayStation Home or w/e they are calling it is going to be awesome!!!! I'm totally throwing a pool party when it comes online and you are all invited!!!! But really, I think this is a great idea and it sounds like it's going to be fun. The movie theater and the trophy room are awesome too! Plus, I can have all the things I can't actually afford in real life . . . like a 42" bravia, lol. So yeah, when it comes out, you'll have to check out my crib . . . with monty pictures (that's my dog) and disturbed playing :D The only down side I can see is that I'm OCD and that means I'll end up spending a ton of money on a bunch of downloads that I won't even use, lol. But it's going to be so awesome! So yeah, to all of my PS3 online friends and the ones to come . . . I'll see you in the fall :D

General Update

Well, I got bored and decided to update my page a bit, lol. So yeah, I haven't made a banner in ages. What do you think? I used to make them for other people on but I ended up quiting it. I got to the point where I was making about 20 a week and that just killed it for me, lol. Neway, how are you? I'm doing well, I have an astronomy test tomorrow, plus a paper to write. I can't wait pick up motorstorm on tuesday! 8) I also bought Tekken 5 the downloadable one for PS3. Plus, there's a new guy at work, I haven't met him yet, but I will on Wednesday. Yeah, work has been crazy! :shock: Very busy and we're in the process of personel changes. So it's going to be very interesting for a few weeks. Anyway, hope you all have a great week :D

P.S. What's with "flicky"?


Yay, it's monday!!! And that means Heroes is on tonight! W00t! :D I totally am adicted to Heroes! It's awesome! I totally think Peter is cool! I totally want his powers! Only bad thing is that I'm on a bowling league on Monday nights so I usually miss the first 15 minutes or so :cry: So I gotta make sure that everyone bowls fast tonight, hehe :P

I finally reserved . . .

Motorstorm, Oblivion, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Armored Core 4, and Virtua Tennis 3 for the PS3!!!!! Woohoo! I also picked up Rogue Galaxy and Chulip. I have to say it's been a long wait for some decent PS3 games to come out. So I'm really excited that I'll finally be able to play the full Motorstorm game!!! I've probably played the demo more than I have any of my PS3 games :P In other news, the company I work for finallygot our 401k plan going! Yay! I already have $500 of the $900 I need for Fanime Con, w00t! :D So everything's been going pretty well.

Anime Crazy

I got paid today!!! W00t!!! And I totally blew it on Anime . . . lots and lots of Anime!!!Ok, so I know I was complaining about money and all in my last blog, but this is a special case. I ended up working a ton the last two weeks so I was able to still do my usual investments plus I actually had money to burn. So I ended up buying: Cardcaptor Sakura complete series, Magic Knight Rayearth complete series, I'll CKBC movie, Figure 17 complete series, Shrine of the Morning Mist complete series, Gunparade March complete series, Negima complete series, Rumbling Hearts starter box, Voltron vol. 2, Best of Anime CD, Gunparade March Figure, 70 Japanese Gestures book, and Gunparade March Anthology manga!!!!! W00t!!! Yeah, it seems like a lot but I got it for dirt cheap. I ended up saving about $700 total!!!! Yeah, I saved that much. had some killer sales plus I already get a % off cause I'm a frequent shopper member person, lol. Anyway, that's it for my spending. Next payday I'll be back to my usual $40 to get me through two weeks :( But at least I'll have a ton of stuff to watch! :P