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The Joys of College

Well, my 2nd year 1st semester is almost over, yay! That means . . . I have to register for my new clas-ses . . . yay or not, lol. Anyway, next semester I'm taking Astronomy, Statistics, and Intro to Business . . . how very exciting :roll: I was supposed to take College Algebra next semester but my stupid college only offers 3 clas-ses of it, which all of them I can't take do to the stupid times. At least this way, I'll still be able to work and all. So now all I gotta do is finish up my current clas-ses - Political Science, Intermediate Algebra, and Music in History.

As for my choice of degree . . . I'm still deciding that, lol. My computer teacher last semester said I should become a Digital Arts Major, my music teacher this semester said I should get my phd in Music History, and my Sociology teacher from last semester said I should get a phd in Sociology . . . so, I'm still undecided. A phd would be cool, get to be called docter lol, but I don't enjoy school that much, so I don't think I really want to add 2 more years onto the already horrid amount of time I have to spend at college.

It Pays To Have Friends In High Places . . .

Well, you all know that I didn't get my PS3 on launch because they didn't send any to my area. So, I got my mother to call the high mucky mucks up at the top and complain. She explained how we buy tons of stuff there and love the people and store in general. So, because of the fact that we are such good customers, he's going to send a 60gb PS3 just for me!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: w00t!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah baby, I'm gettin' a PS3 by the end of next week!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodby OPM, you will be missed . . .

Dear OPM,

What can I say? The news of your cancellation came as a major shock. I feel lost and confused, like when your best friend tells you they are moving away . . . far away. I've been reading OPM since the November 1998 issue with the somewhat controversial Lara Croft cover. My family was visiting my grandparents and I was bored to death. My father bought me the magazine to keep me preoccupied for the duration of the visit. I remember the look on my mother's face when she saw the cover. She was so "surprised" that my father would buy me such a thing, that look was priceless. But ever since that one issue, I've been hooked. I remember when you changed the size of the magazine and all the gripes you received about it. When the fear of y2k loomed over us in 1999, you were the thing I was going to keep with me as the world ended, not food, but you. You were the ones that even convinced me to keep gaming as the launch of the PS2 drew near. I got my first glimpse of the PSP from you. I read your 100th issue over a hundred times. And even with all the online sources we have now, I still eagerly awaited your PS3 coverage . . . and oh how I loved it. I cannot tell you how many times I read the article on Oblivion.

I always took you with me on every trip . . . even the ones to the grocery store. You convinced me to buy games I would have never gotten one my own and talked me out of buying games that totally sucked. Heck, you've even helped me pass two college clas-ses. You were there when I lost my best friend, when my brother got married (literally), and when my grandmother died. You've even outlasted my PS1 and PS2. You were always the first place I turned for news, the reviews I trusted the most, and the reason why I was always the first to sort through the mail. I grew up as a person and as a gamer reading your magazine. In a way I feel like I've grown to know you and consider you all friends. I wish you all the best luck in your future endeavors and I hope that I will still be able to hear from you all, wherever you go.

So with that, I say thanks for all the good times, great stories, awesome games, and being an amazing group of people. You will be truly missed.



Just shoot me now . . .

Well, I just found out that Northern California isn't getting a single PS3 except for San Francisco and a few in Sacramento . . . that's it. So yeah, I'm screwed. Just spent $1,500 for nothing.

Finally Beat . . .

Okami!!!! Man, that took me forever to finish, lol. It wasn't that it was a hard game to beat, it was more because the game is just so pretty and easy to waste time just exploring different areas. But I have to say, Okami rocks. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on one of the best PS2 games out there. So now I can officially move my PS2 to make room for my PS3 when I pick it up on friday, hehehe, FRIDAY!!!!!!! It's going to be the best uber day this year!

November 17, 2006

I seriously can't wait, I've even the day off from work just to be at the launch!!! Totally had to explain to my boss that I've been to every PlayStation launch and there was no way on earth I was gonna miss this one. I ended up spending $1500 on the PS3, 10 games, a controller, and $200 for the online store. So it looks like I'm totally set!!! I won't be seeing the light of day till the next monday when I gotta go back to school, lol. This month is so gonna rock, I can't wait!!!! :D

Finally reserved . . .

I finally got the chance to reserve some PS3 games, yay! Ten games in all, hopefully I'll be able to add a few more to the list later on. Resistence, Heavenly Sword, Oblivion, Eight Days, Gundam, Motorstorm, RR7, Fatal Inertia, Bladestorm, and Warhawk. I still wanna reserve Genji, GT HD, and Mercs 2 if I get the chance. Seriously, only a month away, I can't wait.:D

The Summer of Gaming Comes To A Close

Well, there it is, the end of my joyous summer of gaming, laziness, and a full stress-free life. Tomorrow I start college once again. So, there goes all my gaming time. But it was fun as always.

So unloved . . .

I feel so unloved. :( Why? Because of all this Sony hate that's been going on. :cry: I don't know what it is, but it seems like everyone just wishes the worst for Sony and everything related to them. It's just crazy and it's driving me crazy. Heck, even the non-gamers I know, crack down on Sony and the PS3, lol. So yeah, makes me very sad to see so much hatin' towards my beloved Sony. :cry: