mad_tyger Blog
by mad_tyger on Comments
Well, even though college just started, I've already dropped one of my clas-ses. Turns out that Stats has about 8 - 10 hours of homework a day!!!!! :x There's no way in this universe that I can do that plus the stuff from my other clas-ses and work. Anyway, I found out that it doesn't even count towards my degree since I already have the higher math. I'd only need it for a masters, so I'll probably take it when I don't have as manyclas-ses to do.
In other news, I'm going to Fanime Con in May!!! W00t!!! :P I can't wait! It's my first ever Anime Con so I hope that it's going to be awesome!
College . . .
by mad_tyger on Comments
Happy 2007!!! W00t!!
by mad_tyger on Comments
Blackout . . .
by mad_tyger on Comments
Last New Year's Eve we had this mega storm that knocked out the power, phone lines, cell phone towers, cable, internet, and all three passes out of this town . . . it lasted three days. After the storm, roads were closed, barely had food in the stores, and most of the smaller neighboring towns were still left without power. I was lucky, only had to go for about 2 days unlike the town 15 minutes north, they had to go without it for about 7 days. Plus, one of the towns was completely flooded . . . completely and utterly covered in water. Anyway, looks like the storm is back early this time around. Two towns are without power for 2 days minimum, cell phones don't work, the land phones are sketchy at best. The internet just started working. And yes, south pass closed do to landslide, east pass has snow, and the north pass is covered in boulders. Oh and here's the cherry on top, we got another big one coming in tonight. Sounds like it's going to start flooding now too. So I'm charging my laptop and psp as I type cause it looks like it might be a while before power and everything returns after this one. Anyway, just thought I'd tell you in case I don't show up for a while. So keep me in your thoughts and prayers (and my county for that matter) as I try to survive without my PS3 and internet, lol. Anyway,Happy New Years!!!!! I'll catch you all on the flip side :D
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