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mariosonic91 Blog

Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

So with the economy the way it is, i find myself unable to find a job and with alot of free time because of that. Today i ended up staying up till 5 in the morning going online and playing games ( BTW only 4 achievement left to get in RE5). Also since video games have been a huge part of my life, ive missed out on alot in my childhood including certian things that are considered classics. I decided to look back on some of those things starting with the 2 ghostbusters movies. I wanna say right now I love the movies. They're hilarious, clever, great effects with the ghost, and that theme song is just so dam catchy. Im surprised by a few things though:

For one the stay puft marshmellow man does not have as much screentime as i thought he would, Hes gotton quite a reputation so i thought the fight would be a little bigger and longer.

For two, i never relized that Winston wasnt with them from the start but joins them later on. He also gets alot less screentime than the other 3 characters even in the 2nd movie.

For three theres a love interest which im not surprised but whats interesting is the jump from the 1st to the 2nd movie. I thought the love went one way when it really went the other.

After watching the 2 i found out one more interesting thing online, they're making a 3rd movie. I am not talking about the new video game that came out, they have planned the 3rd movie for 2012. Itkinda reminds me of how indiana jones came back after 20 years, now its the ghostbusters turn.

A friend leaves :( , a freind comes :) and so did youtube videos.

Today was the day someone i cared about had to leave today and i didnt even get to say goodbye ( her parents ruined ALL her plans). Her name is amela by the way. I remember the day she came to my school, she was all shy so i started being all goofy to make her laugh and since that day shes become one of my best friends ( though part of me has always liked her, you know the crush, like like can either aww or laugh). Shes gone to new hampshire, i hope she gets to come back one day.

So you know i was gonna be bummed, but who better to cheer me up than one of my best friends. If he would like recognition, his name is allen. Some good jokes,burger kind chicken fries,zombie ass kickin in RE5and punch-out punchin later i was uplifted.

Last but least is a little gaming info. Turns out mario vs donkey kong for the DSI is bigger than i thought, there is a plus mode and ive taken the liberty of recording some footage of the plus mode. The link below is to my youtube channel, i may even turn this into a walkthrough of the plus mode segment of the game ( since its the harder half)

164? 2.5? Gaming updates!

Wondering what those numbers mean? Well they have to dowith my games.

I decided to stop playing animal crossing cause even with the time changing for the last few days it hasnt kept me interested. I played for a total of 164 days, every day from last christmas to yesterday ( june 7th). I have to admit it was fun and definitly kept me busy, not to many games came out for wii until late february and march so it was the only wii game i was playing till then.

I got a new game now, this one is for the DSi. Its mario vs donkey kong: minis march again, but after playing it for a while it should really be called mario vs donkey 2.5. Music is similar, story is similar, boss fights are the same, but thereare a few differences which create a challenge i like. For one you cant control the minis, you can only control the enviroments that means once you tap them they are on the go, cant reverse them, cant stop them, how they interact with the blocks and switches on the course is the turnout of were they will go. For two, you must get all of them in consecutivly, soyou cant just get one in and then the other 2 or 3 in later, you only get a few seconds after the 1st one goes in to get the next one in or else you die. These sound like they would cause frustration but it really changes the gameplay and creates a different kind ofstrategythat i really like along with a few mechanisms that werent in M vs DK 2. Also, its alot longer than the other DSI titles ive played. I would either call this eithera good dsi ware title orgood DLC for mario vs donkey kong 2.

Finally i have reached the great tiger ( title defense) in punch out. Bear hugger wasnt to hardbut he is hard to get a TKO on, the 1st time i beat him it was by decision.

Known to be legendarily bad....I had to try it.

As most of you know, i am a collector of games, systems, figures etc. Aside from that theres an instinct many people have were something like a game could be so terrible that they have to try it in order to believe it was that bad. Take these 2 facts, put them in my perspective and what do you get? A VIRTUAL BOY. 1st let me say you are going to get sand possible eye damage from playing this thing, the redness is so strong that i couldnt get myself to play for over an hour each time i play it. Also, how the hell did this thing get to be labled as a portable system, its F*cking huge. Its got the volume of 3 to 4 ds's and this isnt including those legs it stands on. It takes 6 batteries and i doubt it last as long as a gameboy wouldwith 2 batteries ( i havent tested that yet). Now i wanna feel a little sympathy since ive read that this product was rushed and that the creator himself did not say it was ready and i still find myelf fascinated by some of its concepts,so i feel like i should list a few positives. The 3d effects actually work, it came with mario tennis and the 3d is very effective. Also some of the games look ok on it, mario tennis is fun and i find myself playing it once in a while, i might order warioland from ebay or something since its the best game on the VB. The controller is neat too, its got 2 buttons on the back and 2 pads which couldve really brought interesting ways to play games ( like telroboxer and 3-d tetris). Finally the fact thats its rare, even if its something bad when its rare it brings value.

I KNOW THAT NONE OF YOU WILL EVER BUY, so you dont need to mention that. I just thought that since im one who likes to experiement with unusual games and systems that id share my experience with you. Hope you enjoyed it.

Overall E3 opinoin

Id like to say that i loved E3 this year, everyone did great, even some of that casual stuff looks appealing. I do have a few nitpicks though

While project natal looks cool, i think i would prefer sony's and Nintendo's approach because you have a controller, so youll feel like your actually holding stuff like a sword or wheel or bat.

Nintendo took it too safe, i appriciate the new marios, metroidand zelda wii ( wasnt shown, later revieled during conference) and even the stuff like wii sports resort and fit plus, but like many i was hoping they would make games for some of their other franchises or at least show us some pikmin 3 footage.

I didnt watch alot of sony's but i was impressed with their new motion controller, along with god of war 3. The new psp is a little pricey though.

Tomany 3rd parties i say excellent job with your games. From wolfenstien, to no more heroes 2, to the next gen castlevania, to a metal gear solid on the 360, etc. the 3rd party companies had alot of interesting games. Even bette is that more companies aredoing interesting things with the wii.

Thats my overall opinion, summerized 4 days into blog. I have some interesting news coming but ill save that for the next blog.

New game, 2 New reviews and more!

Lets start with the new game. I finally got punch-out!! for the wii. I never really had a fun punch out before, the only other time i played a punch out game was at a friends house in his animal crossing file since you could get those NES machines on the gamecube version. From what ive played i love it, im up to don flaminco ( 1st time, not title defending).

Next up 2 new reviews with a 3rd one on the way. I reviewed wario ware snapped and the dsi online browser. Id say check out the wario ware snapped review cause the other one just list pros and cons, after all its not a game its just a feature. The 3rd review will be paper airplane chase, another DSi ware title.

Im finally finished with the donation money in animal crossing, i got all 3 upgrades: the 4th bridge, the fountian, and the lighthouse or windmill ( i chose the windmill). Frankly, this is the last animal crossing ill fully try to finish because i wont nearly have as much time to play games once im in college and at work.

Last up is my early E3 impressions, if you go to gametrailers, you will see alot of footage has been released and it doesnt disappoint. The wii is getting some good 3rd party support this time around like dead space extraction, Games like DJ hero actually look like a decent experiment, andthe other consoles are getting some excellent line ups like fuel, and uncharted 2. THe only thing i was disappointed with so far is that sega is abussing the hedgehog AGAIN just in a different way. Apperently sega superstars is become a series, it started with sega superstar tennis, now its Sonic and sega all stars racing. Other than that, i get a good feeling this will be a much better E3 than last year.

DSi first impressions

After all the chaos of school, and the temporary job of painting an apartment, and graduation celebrations, Its time i got my hands on a ds once again or should i say....DSi. As of right now im very happy with it. The camera is great, me and my friends were playing around with it and it was just to funny. There was alot more you can do with the pics that trailers showed like the merging factor ( take pictures of 2 faces and it will combine them). The Dsi sound channel is fun too. As its advertised it changes the speed and pitch of recorded voices and music but it also allows you to play it backwardsor in different settings ( like a parkeet or how you would sound when you talk into an electric fan). I immediatly tried the simpsons's subliminal message of yvan eht nioj from the bart's boyband episode. It actually does say Join the navy. Finally i downloaded some stuff, i thank Nintendo for being so generous as you automatically start with 1000 points in your account. I downloaded the internet browser, wario ware snapped, and paper airplane chase. Reviews on these are coming soon.

Done with highschool!

WIth the exception of the graduation ceremony, i am free with highschool. All finals taken and ive passed all classes! The next few months are gonna be exciting and exhausting, from job hunting to college orientation, to the hype of E3. As for games im gonna start messing with the time in animal crossing, i realized i cant play for another5 months waiting for all the fish in bugs to catch. Call it cheating but its nessecary. I asked for cash as a graduation gift cause i wanna go out and get a DSi. I havent been able to play ds for almost 2 months since the old one got damaged and i really wanna play GTA DS. I also saw Terminator salvation, it wasnt bad, id recommend at least seeing it once.

10,000 achievement points!

I know achievement points arent the biggest thing ever but 10000 is a milestone in my xbox gaming history. Im really glad i finally got my resident evil 5 back ( i let a friend borrow it) cause i was stuck at 9995 points before which was really irratating. 5 measily points away and unless i planned on gettingamazingly good at guitar hero 3 ( 5 staring all of hard, playing expert etc) i was gonna have to wait till i got 100,000,000 points in career to get my next achievement.Finally getting resident evil 5 back i had alot more open achievements possible and that is when i reached 10,000.

Also only 7 more days of school!

Sweet sweet nostalgia

This has been a great week of gaming. Banjo tooie has hit xbox live arcade and its as great as i remembered it. Stop n swop was revealed as well, for the most part it was the same rewards as they did it on the n64 but now its executed properly where you actually had to have the 1st game to get the eggs and key. They threw in some nice features though, 3 new eggs ( gold, silver and bronze) a gamer pic and theme and the possibility of more stop n swop with nuts and bolts. Rare really pulled a string when the last egg revealed a Stop n Swop 2!

I beat resident evil 5 or at least the story mode and i thought it was epic. I also unlocked mercinaries which is nice and started playing on the highest difficutly. The fun part is that i got my weapons from the previous playthrough so its a shotgun extraviganza.

With may coming, new bugs and fish will arrive in animal crossing....Yes Im still playin even after 4 months. I recently had the fountain built in my town and have 200,000 already for the windmill.

Finally, only 17 days left of highschool as i head towards graduation, the lucky thing is that most of the final projects are more in school so i have alot of time to go out or sit back in the world of gaming.