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mariosonic91 Blog

My halloween costume

Ive uploaded an image of my halloween costume ( its in my images file). Yes its a mario hat and its awesome, personally i bought it just for fun cause i doubtill betrick or treating this year ( getting to old to ask for candy). If you are wondering, the answer is " No, this is not the mario hat from Club Nintendo's platinum awards. I bought this at hot topic". Actually does anyone have that hat from club nintendo? do you think its better quality that the one i bought?

More old school games

You know how i keep posting something like " ( insert game name) is the next game im gonna get for ( insert game system)" in my blogs? I want you to add the sentence "after i get another old retro game" after the previous sentence from now on. Today's game i got instead of a ds game is the original crash bandicoot for the ps1. This is another one of the game series ive been wanting to play cause i heard that the original crash bandicoot games are so much better than the ones today. I have one issue with this game so farand thats the save system. Unless you want to use the password system, it appears that save stations are only found in some kind of weird bonus stage. The gameplay itself though is the important thing and its a blast. Its good old fashion platforming with decent controls and it still carries its fun factor. There is one other thing thats bothering me thoughand thats the controller itself. Like with metal gear solid, i get the feeling that the controls would be so much better if i got to use the analog stick rather than the d-pad. Well im off to play more crash bandicoot. Have a great weekend everyone!

College stress and an old friend revisited

School is definitly going into full gear right now. Asi type this ihave 7 things to do: 5 projects and studying for 2 midterms all of which are due monday. I definitly need some kind of game to relieve stress and probably keep my sanity haha but then another problem occurs. I have almost no money right now because of school, gas for the car, andgoing on dates with certiansomeone ( when possible). I did manage toget20 bucks to spare but rather than buying a usedcurrent generationgame (or new xbla/virtual console), I decided to repurchase Super Mario sunshine. Why? because long story short my other disc got severly damagedand i did want to play it again. Im also finally going toget all 120 shine sprites, Those blue coins are a pain in the *ss to find but im gonna do it this time!

Ps. Brutal legends looks pretty cool, i watched gamespot's ON THE SPOT with it today and it definitly has some potential.

Quick and to the point.

Ok i havent bloged in a while because ive been so busy so im just gonna give alot of quick updates and opinions.

Tokyo game show ok.

Got splosion man and duke nukem on the 360, they are awesome. I would recommend splosion man more though and its a straight up awesome platformer.

Its the fall of DS, im looking forward to playing my ds again because i havent played a new game on it since march. I mean full games when i say this ( DSi downloaded games arent really full 35 dollar games)/ Kingdom hearts, mario and luigi 3, and scribblenauts, i hope to get them soon.

I miss my highschool friends :(

I got a B on my 1st college test :) ( for psychology)

I have a date sunday night :)

Pirates of the carribean 4 is being made ( no i am not kidding)

It seems 2010 will be a retro year, a new 2d sonic, a new 2d metroid and capcom is doing what it used to do which is making the same games with small upgrades lol( RE 5 alternative edition, super street fighter 4).

and Finally. I wanna play super mario sunshine again for some reason but i need to buy it again cause i played it so much that the literal coding part of the disc has been scrapped off in one part.

Christmas in september

This is a quick blog but i just wanted to mention this.

This week i recently recieved a catalog in the mail for christmas items...........Really? Its not even october yet, in fact now would be the time to start caring about halloween. It seems every year christmas starts getting advertised earlier and earlier. I understand its a great holiday but this is just rediculous.

O wait, just today i got a 2nd christmas magazine..........I have no comment.

Who is the king or peripherals

This question has been on my mind for a while. As gaming continues to take a step forward, the average controller is seen less and less. The 2 competitors that come to my mind are Nintendo and Activision. Activision keeps making guitar heros releasing new guitars,not to mention other guitars that look like certian rockstars guitars and i think ive said guitars to many times........GUITARS! Now that they moved on to the whole band gimmickadd alot of microphones and drums into the picture. Also dont forget about the new tony hawk game with the skateboard controller and the new DJ hero. Nintendo takes a different approach, they add periphrials that arent always nessecary for their gamesbut occasionally enhance gameplay such as Wii speak, wii wheel, wii zapper wii balance board, and wii motion plus ( well for right now its not nessecary for all wii games, only some). By the way im not including those 3rd party companies that release those fake tennis rackets and baseball bats peripherals. Now personally i think Nintendo is do to past periphrials ( like the NESzapper, turbo controller and rumble pack) as well as how many casual gamers have bought wii fit but everyones opinion is different. After all guitar hero sells like crazy! Theyre up to 5 in the main series, 3 band-centric series ( focusing on one band), 3 spin-off series ( focusing on many groups), 3 ds games, each one coming with theyre own guitar most of the time.Now the recent ones have whole band sets, its just crazy! So who do you think is the king of peripherals, who do you think has made more money off plastic items that inhance gameplay?

Has the wii drought just begun? or are wii games not advertised enough?

My summer comes to a close and while its no longer at the top of my concerns ( school comes 1st) i still look forward to many games coming late this year. As i look through the Q4/holiday releases i find a very short number of wii games compared to the other systems. The 3 titles that come to mind are New super mario bros wii, dead space extraction, and Red steel 2. It seems that alot of the big titles are coming next year for the wii such as No more heores 2, gladiator, the grinder,and pretty much every other Nintendo game besides new super mario bros wii. This i comparethis to modern warfare 2, assassins creed 2, forza 3, brutal legend, lost planet 2, halo, uncharted 2, left for dead 2heck right now wii owners are missing out on the new batman. Alot of third party developers stopped making games for the wii or so i thoughtbut then after some recent discoveries i find that there are games coming out but we just havent heard about them much. Games like, Silent hill shattered memories, muramasa the demon blade, and RE the darkside chronicles are not getting enough attention. Many of the games i listed above for the ps3 and 360seem to get atrailer or new demo every week but alot of wii titles just slip by.Its why so many people think the wiionly has casual games or a bunch of minigame based games. Even when the conduit and madworld were bing release i didnt see alot of advertisments ( well i did see alot ofconduit trailers for its graphics but no advertisements like commercials ans such). Im not a cult follower on all of these franchises so if some of my data is false please correct me, but what are you thoughts on this?

Wii sports resort........FINALLY!

Ive been trying to get money to get wii sports resort for like 3 weeks ( more considering at one point i considered reserving the game) and i finally got it today. I can say im very satisfied with what i have played so far. The one to one control is amazing and i hope to see amazing games in the future with this device. So far ive played frisbee, golf, fencing, speed slicing, wakeboarding, powercrusing, air sports, and canoeing. So far speed slicing is my favorite because it requires speed and percision. For me the biggest problem so far is the occasional game that only allows multiplayer ( remember i havent tried cycling yet lol). I am the only one in my house who really plays videogames at all and im disappointed that i wont get to experience things like dogfights in the air sports or racing in canoes. I know this game is more multiplayer friendly but i wouldve appriciated the option to verse a cpu like in the other events. Out of 1st impressios though this is going to be really nice way to end my summer as new chapters in my life ( both gaming and non gaming) begin.

I start college
The wii has been reborn
and i think ive met someone to start a relationship with and to me thats the most exicting of all.

Solid snake has a mission for me

Its a continuous delay of wii sports resort, because Im waiting to get paid from my boss. The thing is that its not a full time job. I come in on the weekends to fix a few things and its only a few hours. Also its an underhand job so he pays me when he feels like it. Ive been waiting for almost 2 weeks now to experience some one to one motion controls. In the mean time to keep myself patient, ive gotton the original metal gear solid for my ps1. I figure if i have to wait, i minus well fill it with a generally long game.

Im new to the METAL GEAR SOLIDfranchise due to not owning a sony console till recentlybut i am enjoying the game. The story is great, the characters are imaginitive,the stealth gameplay is fun, the production value is outstanding for its time and it just gives off an epic feel.Part of me wants to say though " I recommend a movie" because thats what it feels like. I was expecting this but i find myself putting down the controller because of a 5 minute cutscene, picking it up and plaing for a few moments, then putting it down for another 5 minute cutscene. It brings immersion issues whether i should immerse myself in this as a game or a movie. Its still entertianing either way you look at it so im happy.

A few random gaming questions

These are a bit random but these 2 questions have been swarming in my head.

Question 1: Is there a franchise that you like so much that you start becoming a fanboy to defend it?

Lets face it, we all have certian franchises or games that we love to play. Its a combination of the game being fun and how we sometimes live off our nostalgic childhood. Even when we except their opinion we just want to respond in ways such as telling them they dont understand, calling them stupid, or cramming information into their head about why you think the game is so good, and finally insulting one of their favorite games/franchieses.One example is when i got really excited for the revival of banjo kazooie which later became nuts and bolts.One of my frineds said " its just a bear and a bird" because he never played those games. I personally wanted to do one of those4 actions that i listed above, in this case cramming a bunch of nostalgic information about my days with the duo on the N64 (ALSO THEYRE MAKING THE NEXT BANJO GAME YAY). So do you have a game or franchise that you defend like that? feel free to share.

Question 2: Why are people already expecting new console announcements?
Now to be fair, there are plenty of exceptions to this question ( like that ON LIVE console coming soon) so when i adress this situation im mainly refering to the 3 main systems. Anyways, when im reading blogs or watching game discussions, im seeing alot of people questioning when the next xbox or ps4 and ( the biggest rumored of them all) Wii HD are coming. I really dont see this happening anytime soon. It may feel like we have been in this generation for along timebut its only been about 3 years. A little more than 3 for the 360 but the wii and ps3 have only been out for about 2.75 years.I see a pattern with our current 3 main companies and thats releasing a new console every 5 to 6 years so i wont be expecting a new console announcement till at least E3 of 2010. Maybe a ps3 slim but whats your take on it? feel free to share.