Man i really need to get back into this stuff. I havent made a blog ( or a youtube video) in a while. I thought id just mention a few updates and maybe a few thoughts about some stuff. Ahem. I beat assassins creed 2 and loved the game. Icompleted all the songs on DJ hero on normal mode, loved the game, and now gonna try on hard mode. I bought scribblenaughts and im a bit disappointed. Its fun and unique but i feel like im using the same 5 objects over and over ( jetpack, rope, god, gun, and huge boulder). Im excited to see banjo and kazooie in the 360 version of sega all stars racing. Im intrigued about the recently announced DS 2 with motion sensors. Ive been in the mood to buy older games once again. School is going well, i think ive met someone, andmy birthday is in 9 days! Thats about it. I still readand commentyourblogs so ill see ya around.
mariosonic91 Blog
Its over with her, the basment flooded and im being sued for $73,000
by mariosonic91 on Comments
So my christmas break comes to a close and unfortanatly its been dreadful. Sorry i havent posted in so long but ive been dealing with alot. Starting around the 12th, the lovely female companion of mine stopped talking to me. I thought i did something wrong but turns something quite shocking has happened. We are still friends though but i will admit im hurt. Next up the basement flooded from melting snow. Some pump broke and we spent a week draining the water, replacing the damaged boxes, and buying a new pump. While the situation has been taken care of, it definitly wasnt cheap to fix the problem.Finally, the most shocking of stories is that im being sued for $73,000. In may of 2008, i got into a car accident where a taxi driver hit me on my passanger side. Neither of us were severly injured and for what injuries he had i believe the insurance covered him. In fact, he didnt even show up to court so it was dismissed. Now approximitly 1.7 years later hes trying this again. It appears that alot will be handled by the insurance and i may not even have to appear in court but this is not the way i wanted to start 2010 and overall this was not the christmas break i was expecting. To end this on a more positive note i will now leave you with a list of my top 5 christmas gifts
1. Mario and luigi: bowsers inside story.
2. Special hand crafted pacman ghost
3. Assassins creed 2
4. DJ hero
5. Modern warfare 2
Merry Christmas Everyone ( Im saying it early)
by mariosonic91 on Comments
Yep, Merry Christmas Everyone! I wanna say it now since these next 2 days will be quite busy with family and presents. Of course the only christmas gift i want is for otherpeople to have a merry christmas.........and some videogames haha.
by mariosonic91 on Comments
Wow its certianly been a while. Alots been happening in the outside world and gaming world. I hope everyone is having a happy december! (only 19 more days till Christmas). Lets pick up where this list left off with Part 2
According to many, this was the last proper Star Fox game, because the companies Nintendo developed with kept trying new approaches on the franchise. I love all the star fox games but this one definitly is my favorite. Just flying ( arwing), driving ( landmaster) and swimming ( theres onesubmarine level) through the planets, blasting away at enemies and bosses was just plain fun. Being able to go different paths to different planetseverytime you played kept the game fresh. Im sure everyone whos played this has a favorite planet. Mine are the astroid belt and the planet where you had to chase down the train. Truth is i didnt have this game for years, i always played it at my friends house until about 3 years ago when i finally bought itfor myself. Its another game where you can finish one pathway in like an hour two so ive lost count on how many times im played it. Id say at least over 50, i got all themedals and completed expert mode. Did you know you can actually unlock the ability to play as the characters on foot in multiplayer mode? who knew?!
The free NES game
by mariosonic91 on Comments
Yeah this offer has been out for quite a whilebut ill still explain to those who dont know. The internet browser channel costed 500 points on the wii ship. Recently it became free, and for those who paid the 500 get a free NES title. Offer expires 12/31/2009.I chose castlevania and so far its a fun game. What did you guys chose?
by mariosonic91 on Comments
For those of you just joining us, it stands for Games Ive Played A Rediculous Number Of Times
Lets launch this list....with a gamecube launch title
Luigi's Mansion has become a well known game with a simple story, fun gameplay, and giving luigi another chance in the spotlight.The main problem with this game is that its terribly short. Its only about 5 hours longand if you are skilled enough, you can probably finish the game in one sitting. Ive had alot of fun with this game and if icouldnt hang out with anyone i woulduseplay this gametopass the timeafternoon. Over the 8 years I;ve had this game, ive been able to complete it 27 times.!
Some news, some blues, a possible list ( like top 10) coming soon?
by mariosonic91 on Comments
So its like the last 5 weeks of the semester and finals are coming up. I fill out a combination of homework assignments, projects, reportsand job applications as i watch some friends pick up games i cant get till christmas. In order to even get christmas shopping money, i have to sell my minifridge from a few years ago. The news has been interesting: from wii-ware demoes, to the call of duty series getting a 3rd development team, all the way to the fact that activision will start releasing band hero and dj hero sequals to join guitar hero. All this goes on as i find about an hour or 2 of my spare time to play through the prime triology ( again the old fashion way: 2 gamecube games , one wii game, not the trilogy disc). Now ive noticed one popular blog from members isto create a top 10 list of some sort. I kinda want to dosomething like that.I call it Games Ive Played A Rediculous Number Of Times, or GIPARNOT for short. I dont know how many parts it will be, when ill start it and when ill end it but its something ive considered trying.
Going back to homework
I have to wait till christmas for any new games :/
by mariosonic91 on Comments
So month after month of waiting for certian games i finally get my pay from my weekend job. The problem is that i had to use it for other things such as oil for my car, gas and food, and because its midnovember, whatever money remians has started going towards christmas shopping. With that being said im left to passthe timetime with job hunting and re-playing the 3 metroid prime games in order. Im playing it the old fashion way, not the wii trilogy disc. Im almost finished with the 1st one for gamecube again and its still awesome. Have a good week everyone.
The games we play but never win.
by mariosonic91 on Comments
Its true at one point in our lives we have ( or will become) guitly of playing one of those games that we know we wont win. Im talking things like contest, sweepstakes, the lottery, trying to be the ____th caller on a radio station to win tickets, despite the chances of winning being slim to none we still play them every now and then. This yeari became guilty of playing those kind of games withtheMcdonalds monopoly game. Now I DID NOTEAT THERE EVERY SINGLE DAY ( didnt want to get fat lol). It was a simple strategy of 2 hashbrowns for $1.11 every morning i went to college. 3 days of college, 2 pieces on each of the 2 hashbrowns, it was 12 pieces a week. I WASNT EXPECTING TO WIN THE BIG PRIZE but i was trying for like the $50 prize or even the $100 prize, that sounded reasonable to me. Now i still didnt win cause like any timea persontries this they're always missing one state or railroad that would help them winthe prize but i do have another interesting story that relates to this. Appearently some woman who wasnt really playing (like she just happened to be eating at MDs) threw out the one BOARDWALK piece out of the entire game. Now realizing that, shes actually tried calling the dump to find out where they dump her garbage in order to get that piece back but they wont tell that s*cks for her. So tell me have you played any of these types of games? have you actually won any of them?
DJ hero, my new path in rhythm games?
by mariosonic91 on Comments
So the latest game of the " hero" music series has arrived and i will admit that im quite interested. Despite guitar hero being a fun franchise, my taste in the rock n roll genre is slowly dying and this isnt just in games either. After seeing AC DC live in concert from about 2 months agoa few things stayed in my mind.I will probably never see or hear anything better after seeing this legnedary band and my parents kinda ruined the whole experience by fighting with eachother the whole time. That being said my music taste has changed and DJ hero looks to follow along with me. I played it at best buy and had alot of fun, it really does make you feel like a dj perhaps more than guitar hero made you feel like a guitarist ( btw i know that playing these pieces of plastic is still WAY OFF from the actual insturment).
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