On your other thread, people recommended you the hd4850, not hd3850. If you can add a little more money, go with the hd4850, if not the 8800gt is a good deal too.
Early benchmarks of an engineering sample. Spartan destroys an overclocked GTX 280, except in Crysis. Results will be better with Catalyst 8.7 i'm sure.
And a preview at Anandtech. Another preview from the Tech Report.
Stay on the boat until july 20, that's when Intel will cut the prices on some of their cpus. Big price drop for the Q9550. For the motherboard, this GIGABYTE GA-X48-DS4 looks pretty good and is not too expensive. Here are more X38 and X48 motherboards for you to choose from.
If you want to game with high AA, the HD4870 is a better choice than the GTX 260. In these benchmarks, the HD4870 is slightly faster than a GTX 280 when using 8xAA.
the Evga GTX 260 FTW costs the same as the 4870, and performs the same as the stock GTX 280. citizen-zero
Your search skills need improvement... There's no way you can find the GTX 260 ftw that costs the same as this 284$ HD4870 or this 290$ Visiontek HD4870 (sold out too bad for you). The GTX 260 never beats the 280, but the hd4870 sometimes does. And about the drivers, monthly WHQL drivers are better than beta drivers...
would i be able to run every single source engine game including tf2 on a 19inch with full res and aa turned up to the highest with hdr enabled? slyr114
Yes, definitely. 4xAA 16xAF and HDR enabled on those benchmarks. The source engine is 4 years old so no worries. You can even play with 8xAA, there's not much performance hit from 4xAA to 8xAA. The 4870 is overkill for 1280x1024, even the 4850 can handle 1680x1050 very well.
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