@SebTheGreatS No, it's not the point at all. VR opens a ton of new doors to games mechanics and experiences.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYvwMd4JCIM - Tower defense and RTS type games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5QqxqH_gY0 - more third-person
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ7KFJLVJyQ#t=21 - dungeon crawlers, MOBAs, RTS etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3EvrYXJ67o - Resogun? Imagine being in the cylindrical layout, and the ships all having massive scale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AASlSDJq8E - this video demonstrates a ton of crazy ways a simple arcade cabinet can be used in VR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcFQ5sQIwRs#t=1013 - Lucky's Tale. Like Super Mario 64. Imagine you are the Lakitu camera
Look here. Even if you can't actually get VR implementation into the game, you can run the games in virtual environments! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6QB87mFbng and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ccpGmUAP8#t=406
@blackzio Dreadhalls and Affected, while just a small, short demo rather than a game, is similar in play style to Amnesia, and the reactions are amazing:
@plasticreality You don't expect much from certain sites, like this one and some similar others, but while expectations are typically low anyway, I was not expecting this video to be this lacking.
Like, the DK2 just released, and even a cursory, 10-minute glance on the forums etc., would land you way more content that could be put into this video. This was like an extremely non-committal, low effort piece.
@TERMINATOR-SSD 3D in the Rift will even work for people without vision in one of their eyes. The parallax 3D, as a product of the positional tracking, and combined with the entire scene being in focus, foreground to background, is giving people with no depth perception in real life, true 3D in the Rift. Some blind people literally see better in the Rift, so to speak.
Also, Track IR is great and all, but for the most part, does not match the Rift/VR experience in the slightest.. totally different leagues.
@LightEffect They are true stereo 3D... They don't look like the 3D you see in theaters... it looks like real life. The game worlds have size and scale, and you can tell how large or small, near or far objects are.
@cynicalundead The only available versions of the Rift are the two development kits. The latest, DK2, is a pentile, AMOLED 1080p display clocked at 75Hz. Glasses can be worn with it, but they are relatively uncomfortable. The consumer version will probably accommodate glasses much better. Furthermore, the lenses are designed to accommodate those with common vision problems, so you might not have to use your glasses at all in the Rift.
The optics in the Rift have you focused on "infinity," so if you see distant things well without your glasses, you likely won't need them in the Rift.
@WraistlinGill If there is one to be soon, the only thing that will crash is the spiralling triple-A industry. How the hell are Ouya and Shield going to contribute significantly to a market crash? You definitely sound like a qualified analyst.
@PCsama The optics are such that the eyes are focused on "infinity." It's likely that this device will be a lot healthier than traditional displays, like TVs and monitors, in this regard.
merrickx's comments