@Flen15: And here we go: - They made it like the original to make the audience feel safe, to trust them again so that what comes next won't be too out of the ordinary. This has been stated.
- Character development? Like in the originals? Like Obi Wan's amazing development in ANH? Star Wars is not an episode of the third season of the Walking Dead. This is not a character study, it's an action-fantasy film. And one which was trying to fit in 30 years and a current story into 2 hours.
- Rey suddenly knowing the Force has been explained in the novelization and by producers. If you need the answer, look for it.
- Rey beat Kylo Ren due to him taking a bowcaster to the leg. The bowcaster whose power which was very intentionally displayed to us throughout the film, leading us up to that moment. Also, he is not fully trained, and for the last time, he is not a Sith Lord, he is a warrior strong in the Force. Nobody ever said he would be like Vader.
- You're seriously complaining about the acting? Again, have you not seen any other Star Wars films? Mark Hamill was god awful in the originals, and Fisher not much better. And then there's Hayden and Natalie........ Maybe be happy for what you have now rather than complaining that they aren't immediate Oscar nominees.
His arguments are quite sound, he even makes a good point about the critics just pandering to each other... but the fact remains - it is a genuinely poor movie. We're talking worse than Alexander here, and it shouldn't get much worse than Colin Farrell playing Alexander the Great.
@hahamanin: Are you saying the ipad is not a gaming device? I would argue it has more functionality as a gaming device than something supposedly 'dedicated' like a DS.
The point is - this is has every possibility of becoming a very decent gaming device, just markedly different from what you currently see on consoles, PC or anywhere else for that matter. Let's just give it some time to see what people come up with.. who knows, you might even be pleasantly surprised? I know... optimism on Gamespot, almost unheard of.
@lucas182: Is it just me? Am I just being stupid? Because I've read through and i can't even see the word 'gaming' or 'game' anywhere there.... It's incredible how people can invent things just to have something to complain about.
@hahamanin: Can you quote me which part of that article it says it's a gaming device? I genuinely don't see it being mentioned. Although maybe you see things the rest of us can't, but in that case I'd recommend some help.
Also.... IT IS. In the same way the ipad wasn't developed as a gaming device but most certainly can ALSO fulfill that function. And this and its successors will be no different.
@prince__vlad: When are imbeciles going to stop using graphics as a measure of how good a game is? I've been waiting over a decade and they still haven't learned...
But also - are you actually mental?? Aside from how derivative the game appears to be, it is absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to know when in the future you're from and how good the graphics must be.
Mezzanine58's comments