@crusaderprophet @mirage_so3 You don't even know who I am. You don't know where I live and you don't know how hard I work. And you don't care. You just want to make yourself look morally superior. But there is no reason to bring up "At least you can afford it." That same logic can be used against anything. "Don't like hamburgers? Quit your bitching at least you can afford the luxury of a hamburger!"
@crusaderprophet @beckfoloe @Mr_Ditters Your comment is even worse than the first guy. They're talking about video games not the fate of the planet. Bringing it up just makes you sound arrogant, like you think you're above everyone.
@beckfoloe @Mr_Ditters This is one of the worst things I have read on this website. You're calling them spoiled brats for not liking a game you like? How about I call you a spoiled brat because you get upset and start calling people names for not liking a game you like? Just let it go. Why is this so important to you? I've played games I know are awful and other people don't like. But I had fun with them. I didn't call people spoiled brats for not liking them.
@cherub1000 I don't get the "This is just the beginning" argument. Do people think there's going to be a whole lot more that they give the players for free? Are Warcraft expansions free?
@noah364 The people who complain don't care about the review and it would not stop raging comments to remove the score. People would still see the negative and go "**** you you're wrong." It's not about the number.
@itsharrell The hell is wrong with you people? "He doesn't like it because he didn't play it right." Video games are not an art form, they're f**king games for fun. He didn't like it. Why can't you handle that?
It's amazing that all the comments that hate this game are just people bitching Destiny got a 6. And yet if Destiny got a good score people would be bitching they were paid to give it a good score. The website isn't telling you how to feel about the game. It is a guideline for those who are unsure what they want to buy. Your game got a 6, this game got an 8. Get over it.
mirage_so3's comments