@kindlewithcare Many people take it as a personal insult when someone does not love their game as much as they do. It's called insecurity. People can disagree and give their reasons why they think it was good, but it's the people who go "LOL THIS SITE IS A JOKE" that are the ones who are insecure. I've played plenty of games I knew were terrible were still fun to me. I don't insult anyone who doesn't like it because they're "just too stupid to appreciate it"
Ugh I should never look at the comments. No matter what a game is rated here people bitch how paid off or biased they are. None of you have even played the game and you're bitching it sucks. If it got a bad score people would be claiming it's a good game and doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Skyward Sword got a 7 and people complained it wasn't good enough. This game got an 8 and now people complain there's a Nintendo bias. Where was the bias for Skyward Sword?
mirage_so3's comments