@edant79: To be honest, smart phones aren't that great. I'm old enough that smart phones didn't exist when I was in high school. People couldn't check Facebook every five seconds and they were fine with that.
@virtuasega: This is basically the next step up from the wii. This could be hugely successful. The real problem is just the price tag. I would compare this version of VR to the 3d we use in movies now. The first attempt at 3d looked bad and didn't last long. But this new version looks much better and is likely around to stay. All other attempts at VR have failed so far. But this VR works a lot better and is not insanely expensive. If they can sell enough and get people into it I doubt it's going anywhere.
@justinc882: Don't expect too much from it anymore. Once they finished 2 and made brotherhood they realized they could make yearly titles that didn't need to be really "fleshed out." Same general gameplay, new area. New game.
@dnsfw_jamus: People playing the 3rd game liked the ship so that's what 4 focused on. The main quest line and actually being an assassin basically consisted of tailing missions. Nothing new or interesting. Rogue was made which was the exact same as 4 except you're a Templar, like that ever amounted to anything interesting. The actual being an assassin never evolved.
mirage_so3's comments