@mogan: Likewise. Really looking forward to getting stuck into it. Loved all the FO games inc New Vegas (although it wasn't my favourite) and hoping I'll lose another 100-odd hours into this one.
I'm hoping MS will make a better fist of it this time. I was close to switching to Sony this gen but eventually stayed with MS - and now I've got a FFB wheel and pedal set that cost me about £250 - so I'd really like to stay with MS again...
Don't get me wrong - I love my One - but it's likely the PS4 would probably have been the better choice.
Still - there we are - I've still loved my time with the One.
I heard so much about the first one and was really happy when it popped up on Games with Gold. But even though I played it for a total of about 3 hours, I just could not get into it. I'd play it for about 20 mins, then just get bored and stop, then try it again a few weeks later. I realised after about 6 months I was just not gong to get into it so uninstalled it.
@CyberEarth: Very true. I mean, it's fine for women to play footy of course, it's good exercise and a lot of fun, but I literally couldn't have any less interest in either watching them or playing a women's footy game. And it's very poor quality. I'd rather watch / play as my local team and they are in the 7th level of the English football pyramid (ie , 6 levels below the Premiership). It's a better quality of football.
mpl911's comments