Skyrimming - The act of playing the game Elders Scroll V: Skyrim.
Sadly, I must wait till I finish AC Revelations and for the semester to be over. :(
Skyrimming - The act of playing the game Elders Scroll V: Skyrim.
Sadly, I must wait till I finish AC Revelations and for the semester to be over. :(
Single player wise, of course.
Oh, and obvious SPOILERS are SPOILERS.
First let me say, I thoroughly enjoyed U3's campaign. There was action, there were stealth moments, I laughed, I cried. The whole shebang. I really, really did like it and it gets a solid 9 in my book. That saidI think U2 did everything I said but better.
I'm going to make a few bullet points on where I think U2 exceeded U3.
Development/background of the antagonist(s)
In U3, we get introduced to the antagonist very early in the game. Katherine Marlowe. For me I thought that would mean we would see a lot of her in the story therefore we would learn a lot about her. Sadly, I was wrong. We barely see her throughout the game and we learned almost nothing about her except her and Sully used to be together and thatshe's ridiculously old. (Given by how old she looked 20 years prior to the game's time :P). Her sidekick, Talbot, was okay. He was a bit like Flynn except less personality. I'll explain why I liked Flynn better in a minute.
In U2, we don't get to see who the real antagonist is until Chapter 4 in the game yet we know so much more about Lazarevic than we know about Katherine. People might say "But he's the typical bad russian dude. It's not original" Just because something is not original doesn't mean it can't be good. I liked Lazarevic. I mean in the first f*****g scene we see him in, he kills a guy. Come on, you can't say you don't like him too. Now moving on to to his sidekick, Flynn. I liked Flynn more that Talbot mainly because he had more personality than Talbot. He was all around more entertaining. Was it because he betrayed Drake in the game? Maybe. I just think he was a better character.
Something supernatural about the story
In U1 and U2, towards the end of the story the "lost city" that Drake was trying to find always had a reason that it became lost. U3 was no exception. But it did go about it differently. In U1, there was the curse that basically turns everyone into raving zombies-like beings. In U2, the tree sap made you ridiculously strong and able to take a ridiculous amount of bullets to the body. In U3, it was something in the water that made people hallucinate. You see the difference?
For me, U3 was missing that supernatural feel to it towards the end. I was actually looking forward to it. Instead they go with a hallucingen. And they don't even explain why Marlowe wanted it! At least i don't think. I'm playing through it again maybe I'll pick up on it.
Holy s*** moments
Don't get me wrong, U3 had some holy **** moments. Falling about the plane that was going down, the chasing the the convoy through the deserts on horses, and of course the entire level in the lost city. I just thought they were lack luster compared to U2. Let me list them
And these are the ones I could remember. I'm might have forgotten one or two. These moments just had a greater impact on me.
More Elena
This one is more biased than the others but I don't care :D I really wanted more Elena in U3. In her short time there , I really enjoyed her. Although she looked rather Asian for some reason :lol: I wished she was there throughout the end.
To COMPLETELY summarize, if someone were to ask me what the best Uncharted game was, I would say unwaveringly Uncharted 2.
So going through the System Wars forums the past few weeks have led me to believe we have actual babies on this site. Simply because they can't comprehend the word "optional" and their way of looking at it is the only way. Allow me to explain.
Bioware (or EA. Whichever.) has recently announced that there will be multiplayer in Mass Effect 3. Me, being optimistic, immediately thought that it would be pretty fun to have co-op levels with everyone's personal Shepard's and what not. And I thought a lot people would agree with me. Sadly, this wasn't so.
A lot of people have this idea that multiplayer ruins singleplayer games. Where they got this reasoning, I haven't the foggiest but they had it in their head. Upon further explantion on the new multiplayer, it was revealed the multiplayer was completely optional and was separate from the single player experience. Yet people were still complaining saying that "EA is the devil for adding such blasphemous features in the Mass Effect franchise." Some people have even cancelled their preorders because of this.
My response:
Seriously? It's just multiplayer. And it's not even competitive. It's co-op. You don't even have to play it. To the people who cancelled the preorders, you were going to shell out $60 for the game when you knew it was just a single player game. Why cancel it when they are ADDING something for the same price? Some people are worried that the time taken to work the multiplayer has taken away from the time to work on the single player. Which would make the single player mediocre. Which would be true if it wasn't false.
Two examples that prove against this. Uncharted 2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. When Uncharted 2 said they would have multiplayer, I admit, I was a little frustrated because I thought it didn't need it. However when the game came out, the multiplayer was decent and the singleplayer was better than the first game.
When Ubisoft announced multiplayer for AC:B, I was even more upset. Mostly because I didn't even know how their were going to do it! It seemed just like a bad idea. However when the game came out, the multiplayer was actually well executed and, although the story lacked, the amount of s*** you could do in the Brotherhood single player was ridiculously large.
Adding multiplayer to a game is not always a bad thing. And it's a smart business decision. We're are in an age of multiplayer. And in an age where the economy isn't so great. People are looking for bang for their buck. Multiplayer lengthens the life a game. So people are willing to buy a game at a higher price if they think it will last them a long time. Think about it. Would you buy a laptop for $800 if you knew it was only going to last a month?
To the babies on this site who just can't have it their way, please grow up and get off the bottle you're sucking on.
Long time no blog, my friends. Well, at least it feels like its been a long time. :P Today I bring a blog about myself and the shame I bring to myself as a gamer. I shall reveal to you several famous game series that I have never played. Here we go!
Yes. All of these are very true. Feel free to insult and/or make fun of me.
Till next time, G-Spotters!
In honor of me finishing Final Fantasy X and starting Final Fantasy XIII, I have learned the "To Zanarkand" song from FFX on the piano. Well just the first part :P
FFX was a very very good game with one of the saddest endings I've ever seen. :cry: I recommend it to anyone interested in RPGs.
I'm not entirely sure how far I am into FF13.
[spoiler] I'm at the part where Vanille and Sazh are on the giant ship and everyone is going to rescue them. [/spoiler]
But I am enjoying it a lot. I was mainly going to play this for the story, not the gameplay because I was interested in FF 13-2. But I have to say, I really like the game play. :) It's reminiscent of the battle system I came up with for my Perfect Pokemon game. :o
I hope I will enjoy the rest of the game.
Until next time, my friends!
I was excited to post my picture of me in my new glasses in the PYP thread in OT. But it was closed :( So I decided to post it in my blog. Behold!
Funny story getting these the other day. I went in to Costco to pick them up (they're pretty cheap there) and there was this guy who was wearing the same shirt as me. We acknowledged each other and went about our ways. Later, when I was leaving Costco with my new glasses on, I saw the same guy only he was wearing glasses this time. The EXACT same as mine.
We added each other on facebook later that day.
Are there any tips anyone can give me? So far I've been able to beat the majority of the game's bosses without any help. However I've heard horror stories about her. So I want to know if my friends have any advice for me?
Please and thank you :)
Ever since I started playing Kingdom Hearts I & II, I've been feel really really nostalgic about my old PS2 games that I used to play all the time. So I decided to play PS2 games until Batman Arkham City and Uncharted 3 come out.
The PS2 games I will be playing are:
-Kingdom Hears II (plan on finishing this game 100%)
-Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3
-SSX Tricky
-Final Fantasy X (never finished a FF game before. Most people tell me this is the best one)
-Rogue Galaxy
That should be enough to hold me over until then, right? Well, we'll see soon enough.
Until next time.
Toodles. :)
People have a tendency to overuse words that they don't know the meaning. Prime examples of this are gay "epic", and of course "repetitive.
Every game, i repeat, EVERY game is repetitive to some degree. Whether it'd be a FPS, MMO, or platformer. When people use this word as a complaint, I just shake my head and try to tell them that it's not a legitamate complaint. Unless your talking about the degree of repetitiveness. Not too far back, people were complaing about LA Noire being to repetitive. I was baffled by this because every case had it's own unique stamp. Homocide did appear more repetitive than the rest of the game but there was reason for it.
[spoiler] There was a serial killer [/spoiler]
The people complaining about it then told me you had to do the same thing every case. "Find clues, question people, find out if they're lying. Rinse and repeat." I was even more taken aback. In a shooter, do you get bored of shooting people? Because you do that every level. You see what I'm saying? It's a stupid complaint.
Now if you were to say a game, Infamous 1 for example, was too repetitive for you, then I could maybe understand. The side missions were not varied much in the game. But you guys must understand. We NEED repetitiveness in games. They wouldn't make sense other wise.
Let's say you're playing the classic Mario game. You're playing and you get to the next level. All of a sudden the game changes to an MMO. Then the next level, it changes to an FPS. You see? It would be confusing. Although, it may sound like an awesome idea now. There's no stucture. A house always needs a frame. Same thing for a game,
If I see you using repetitive as a complaint, I will quote you, put this emoticon :evil:, and will forever ignore your opinions.
Until next time, my friends.
Oh and I finally got a twitter account.
@evaneleven77 follow me if you wish.
Now describing a trailer can be difficult to do and can be hard to understand so I'm going to try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible.
Music slowly fades in as picture also fades in. You see a barren field at night. The camera is at ground level. The camera slowly pans to the left. As it pans you see bodies on the ground. The bodies move slightly to let you know that they're still alive.
The camera then cuts to a shot at a heart shaped moon then slowly swings around to give us a bird's eye view of the field on the bodies. You then see someone walking through body littered field. The camera cuts to a shot behind the person's head but still allowing you to see where the person is looking. The person is wearing a mask that their head but you can tell that the person is a girl.
The music that has been playing fades out. She stops. She looks to her left. The camera is zoomed in on her head as she's looking left. Suddenly there's a man right in her face. In, slow motion, you see his hand slowly reach her face then blasts her away while the speed returns to normal. At the moment she gets hit, the music comes back will full intensity. The camera then cuts behind her. She recovers from the blast quickly as she does a backflip to land on her feet.
The man walks slowly towards her. She casts a some kind of water spell that attacks the man at a high speed. But the casts a reflectga spell that makes short work them as he continues to walk closer.
The girl then casts a huge Firaga spell the sweeps the land. The man leaps in to the air avoiding the spell. The camera then cuts to behind the man as he looks down at the girl casting the spell as the fire spreads far and wide. He then slams back into the ground casting some kind of earth spell that causes the ground beneath the girl to rise out the ground and launches her into the air. The camera cuts to a low angle shot showing flying through the air eclisping the heart shaped moon.
He then appears behind her. She gasps as he casts a very powerful Thunderga spell against her body. Her body then falls almost lifelessly on to the ground. The music now slows and is more quiet. The man lands on his feet and starts to walk toward her again. As she struggles to stand, you can see from her point of view, that the man has stopped walking. She looks up and sees him take a step back. The music starts to build again.
You then see a hand on the shoulder of the girl. She looks up and there is a man who's wearing the same kind of mask she is. You see a shot of the girl's face as her mask falls off because the damage done. You still can't see her face completely but you can make out her red hair and a smile.
The music is building and building. The camera then cuts the back of the head of the new man as he turns his head toward the first man.
The camera slowly pans down the back of his body towards his hand. The music is intense and still building. Once the camera focuses on his hand, the music stops. You then suddenly see a silver kingdom key blade materialize in his hand.
The camera cuts to black as the music starts playing and intense orchestrated version of Simple and Clean.
You then see the words "Kingdom Hearts III" fade on to the screen.
I hope this wasn't too confusing and I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Until next time, my friends!
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