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Birthday Blog/MK9 is amazing.

Well I finally did it. I finally turned 20. No more teenagehood for me, no sir. It's time to act all serious and adult like...Yeahhh that's not gonna happen :P

But seriously, I am really happy today. It's my first double decade birthday :) As of right now, I jst have plans to have a birthday dinner with some friends tonight. The reason why we're probably not going to have a party is because finals start next week :P Anyways, today should be a good day :D

Moving on, I recently picked up Mortal Kombat. Boy oh boy, is this game freakin awesome. I've played it pretty much every day since I've gotten it. Sure it was only a few days ago but still I see no end in sight :D

Well I must attend to my duties today.

Thanks for reading :)

I'm feeling really, really kind today.

A few things my friends.

First I decided to tell GS my first name. Don't ask why I just feel like doing it. :P It's Evan. You are welcome to call me by this name or any variation of it.

Next, I'm finally over my ex. It took a little while for me to stop thinking about her all the time. I constantly fought the urge to text her. But it's over now, and I am a happy camper :)

Lastly, I am looking for a reason to get a Twitter account when I already have a Facebook account. Please give me a reason.

Thank you. :)

My first visit to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I'd say it's about time for a new blog. Don't have a specific schedule like most people :P

So my college( University of Central Florida) has this event called Universal Knights. It's when the theme park (Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure) gives 12,000 UCF students access to the park after it closes. For Free. It's pretty damn awesome. Anyways, I was able go this year and this was an oppurrtunity to go to Harry Potter World since I hadn't gone before.

Me and my friends decided to go their as soon as we got there since none of has been before. When we walked, the words "Holy ****" came out instinctively. Disney really has out done themselves. The place really looks you're in the Harry Potter Universe. I have a couple of pictures but their pretty crappy :P

This is the castle.

This is one of the rooms I took a picture of while waiting in line for the new Harry Potter ride, which was awesome, btw.

This is pretty much how I spent most for my Sunday. From 4 to 11:30 I was riding rides at Islands of Adventure. And I have to drive back. Overall I had a fun time.

Oh! Almost forgot. If you ever go to Harry Potter World, make sure you get a ButterBeer. A butterbeer is a drink that they serve in there. It's REALLY good. Like extremely. You'll see long lines for it, so you'll know where to find it.

Other than that, nothing else big happening. My birthday is on the 23rd of this month. I'll be turning 20. My mom tells me since I will no longer be a teenager, I'm not allowed to ask for money anymore. Which I never do, but I like having that security blanket :P

Stay tuned for MrMusicMan's next blog after my birthday: "I had a birthday party?"

Dealing with the break up/Games I plan to buy in the next month.

It's been really really strange broken up for the past few days. I'm so used to good morning texts and good night texts that I check my phone every morning still to see if I got them. I've also found out that my phone has tremendous battery life. I'm not using it nearly as much as I used to. So I suppose that's a plus.

Since the break up, I've been playing my piano a lot more. It's been sort of like a release of feelings. Anyways, I learned how to play the intro song to the original series of Pokemon :) And I uploaded it to YouTube. It's kind of crappy. Especially the ending. But it was more for me than anyone else.

Pokemon Theme Song.

If you like it, let me know. If you don't, go away :P

Games I Want This Month


-Just Cause 2

-PixelJunk Shooter 2

-Newly announced ME2 DLC

This year has been nothing but good to me so far gaming wise.

Keep 'em coming :)

To 3DS or not to 3DS? (Feedback please!)

First off, let me start of by saying, I'm fianlly at 7000 posts. :D Only 3000 more till I get my own party in OT!

Now on to the main topic.

I recently aquired Pokemon White and have already beaten the game. ( I played it non stop). This has to be one of the best Pokemon games I've played since Gold version way back when. The whole not knowing the pokemon in the reigon really gave me that "I want to see all the pokemon" feeling. This was me literally when I was playing it

I've never made an attempt to play the online portion of the pokemon games though, But this time around I wanted to. However there is a problem/ I have the DS Lite and the DS Lite cannot connect to a router unless it has WEP securtiy key. My router has WPA. After doing some research, I've found out that the DSi and the 3DS both can support the WPA security.

My question is this should I buy a DSi because it's cheaper or a 3DS? I planned on getting a 3DS down then road when Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance came out any way. It's just it's $250 and I don't know if that's a smart investment right now.

What do you guys think?

I've chosen my funeral song.

As I pack and prepare for the 2 and half hour drive down to South Florida for spring break, I decide to go on youtube to listen to some Disney Songs. I start listening to Toy Story's "You Got A Friend In Me" and that made me look up a lot of Randy Newman songs. I then stumble upon to the this amazing song.

When I'm Gone

I remember watching the series finale of Monk and listening to that song and almost crying. It really was that powerful. To me anyway :P

I'm not one to think about my own death a lot. It's just when I heard this song, the thought of having it played at my funeral made perfect sense.

So my friends, if you happen to attend my funeral, you will hear this song. Probably multiple times. I will now finish packing and continue to listen to Disney songs until I fall asleep.

Happy Spring Break :)

So I think I broke my hand.

I was playing Flag Football last night and some guy on the other team thought it might be funny to step on my hand when I fell. I didn't really feel it last night since it was kinda cold out and my hands were kinda numb. But I woke up this morning in tremendous pain so I'll be going to the doctor today.

But either way I won't be playing Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for a little while :(

Give me Sora or give me death.

So this entire week I have been sick. Like legitmately "on the verge of going to the hospital" sick. But luckily today I've shown signs of improving. During this time, I caught up with a few shows and animes. No Ordinary Family, The Office (Micheal and Holly :D) and One Piece.

Also during this time, I've been thinking about my favorite game series. Kingdom Hearts. And you know what? I miss Sora. I miss Sora's happy go lucky attitude. He needs to make a return and fast. And I know what you're thinking "Re:coded was just released go get it" No. Absolutely not. Re: Coded is a mobile game turned into a DS game. It indeed is a true spinoff.

Give me Kingdom Hearts 3 please. And I don't care if it come out in 2012, 2013, 2014. Give me an official announcement and a trailer and I will be satisfied for a long time. I'm tired of all this "We're working on Final Fantasy Versus" I just want my Kingdom Hearts 3. I am hyping Versus but only because I long for Sora and it might remind me of him.

Now, I'm off to play Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 2 again.

Good day.

My new love...(no not a girl, silly) Mass Effect 2!!

**Disclaimer: This is not a review. I RARELY do written reviews of games. I will however start doing video blog reviews in the future. Also I did not do any side missions, start any relationships or anything. Just played the main missions Thank you. :)***

Let me start off by saying that if this game was a woman, it would Eva Mendes. A picture for those of you who are oblivious to who this is.

Now, usually I don't play the sequel of a game until I have played the original. I had to make an exception because of 2 things:

1. I actually tried to play it on my friends 360 back home in south florida when I was down for winter break, but I ran out of time.

2. Bioware made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I mean all the DLC plus the game AND the interactive comic for 60 bones? Come on. That's like me going after hispanic girls. It's gonna happen.

Now onto the game itself.

First off, I did not do the interactive comic. For some reason, the code that came with the game that was supposed to have all the good stuff on it wasn't working the day I bought the game. So I just said **** it. I have played a little bit of ME1 (as I said) and I read about the main story line from various websites and watched some cutscenes thanks to YouTube.

The game is beautiful. From the inside of the ship and beyond. Yes I know the game is a year old but I don't care I love the way it looks. Whenever I played the game would find myself staring at some of the vistas in the background. Mind you, I'm not saying this is the best looking game ever. Just saying that I like the look of it :) One of best parts was looking at the explosions. Best explosions I've seen.

I've never played a game with such a well-developed universe. Different races of aliens, each with their own histories and how the interact with the other aliens history. Different types of fighting techniques, weapons, abilities, armor. everything! Simply awesome. I want to live in the universe. Nao.

I love the abilities and weapons in this game and the different combinations that you could use. For example:

"Shoot them!! What? It's not hurting them much?? They have armor?? Well use the incendiary ammo and burn them alive!! What?? He's got a barrier?? Well have Miranda use Overload on his ass!! Are you serious?? Your're out of ammo?? Damn it spam Shockwave then!! You say he has a barrier, a shield AND armor??? BREAK OUT THE PARTICLE BEAM!!!!!!"

I believe i've gotten the point across :P

I very much enjoyed the story and dialogue. Especially with the mission having to do with the reapers and collectors. I kept yelling at my TV "Moar, MOAR!" But it wouldn't listen.

Now I will be play the game again (starting tonight :D). Doing all of the other stuffs I didn't do. Side mission, relationships, the interactive comic, you name it, i'll do it. From what I understand Female Sheppard has a better voice actor than Male Sheppard, so I will be playing as female Sheppard the second time through.

To all my friends who ONLY have a PS3 (like me) and are on the fence about this game, please. Get this game soon. If you have a PC and/or 360. You should already have this game. No excuses :x

2011: The worst year ever or the best year invented by the gaming gods?

Let's start out by naming the games I plan on getting this semester:

-Mass Effect 2 (PS3)

-Marvel vs Capcom 3

-Pokemon Black or White (haven't decided yet)


-Just Cause 2

With the exception of Vanquish, all of these games have the potential of taking over my life entirely. This is NOT good. Considering my schedule for school this semester:


-Object Programming


-Computer Science 1

Sweet Mother of Abraham, It's going to be crazy. In addition to this, I plan on going on a weight gaining diet (I'm very skinny and it scares me for someone my height). I plan on going to the gym at least 3 times a week and playing flag football sometime in March.

Some of you might be thinking, "Oh golly gee Mrmusic, why don't you just wait till the summer to play those games?" Well the reason is because I'm taking Calculus during the summer. I've quickly learned once you've changed your major in college, you either take summer classes or you take 5 or 6 classes a semester.

Hopefully after all of this, I'll have some good grades.

On a side note, I'd just like to note that my school's, UCF, football WON THEIR BOWL GAME! :D And their basketball team, who has Marcus Jordan (Yes Micheal Jordan's son), is undefeated and ranked 19th in the nation. :D

2011 is looking like its going to be pretty awesome. :)

P.S. My birthday is April 23rd. ;)