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mrmusicman247 Blog

So I decided to replay my favorite franchise (Again)

Kingdom Hearts.

This has to be like 7th time I've replayed these games. But I just love them so much. Kingdom Hearts 1 first, then Chain of Memories (the PS2 version) then Kingdom Hearts 2. The handhelds I will not play. Because they did not capture my hearts as the first 3 did.

While we're on the subject, if you are a fan of Kingdom Hearts, please tell me your favorite moment from the first 3 games. :)

Mine had to be when Sora defeats Riku IV and he stabs himself with the Keyblade to release Kairi's heart. So awesome and sad at the same time. :cry:

I guess this is a spoiler for people who haven't played it. Well it's your own fault for not playing it yet!

Well that's it for me.


Ze Perfect Pokemon Game (Part 3: Exploration)

So I've been giving you my vision for the perfect Pokemon game over the past few weeks. Today I will close out the Perfect Pokemon Blog series the the last part of my vision: the exploration.

First off, ALL pokemon will be available in this game. No more trading pokemon because it's not in your version or trading to make the pokemon evolve. All of the pokemon for the first time will be available in one single game. As you walk around in any of the main 5 regions, you will see all kinds of wild pokemon. They all will be minding their own business, doing "pokemon" things (outside of the battle screen) If you wish to catch a pokemon, you simply have to locate it, face towards it, and hold down a button to get to the battle screen. Or you could put out pokemon food to attract nearby pokemon. Either method will work effectively. From there it's exactly like our classic pokemon games. Weaken the pokemon as much as you can then throw the pokeball. You will have the option of having any pokemon walk with you. Well maybe. I'm still trying to figure out how water pokemon would work :P

Now actual transportation in the game will have the traditional things. Running shoes and a bike. When using both of these, you will be moving FAST. So make sure you know where you're going before you use them. I wanted to add a little flair to this. So this is why I think the option of a skateboard as transportation will be pretty cool. :)

The game will have day and night cycles, weather cycles and season cycles. Of course you know certain pokemon only come out at certain parts of the day. The day and night cycles will follow a clock but will no longer be tied to your own real clock. The game will follow Red Dead Redemption's example. Having time gradually pass, quicker than a normal clock, having sunrises and sunsets, and sleeping will forward the game a certain amount of time and save the game. You are only able to sleep at certain people's houses and Pokemon Centers. The weather cycles will be random, like before, but they will no longer be specific to certain routes. It will rain/snow/hail everywhere, for a certain amount of time. The usage of Sunny Day, Hail, and Rain Dance in battle will continue after the battle if the move doesn't finish by the end of the battle. As for the season cycles are concerned, I've come up with a very complicated formula to determine how they would work. Approximately, every 30 days (in game time, not actual time) the season will change. Don't ask what the formula is because I can barely understand it myself :P

Snow will be a new move for Ice-type pokemon to learn. This cause the temperature to drop and causes certain pokemon to stiffen their movements. For example, if snow is used, then the opposing pokemon's speed will drop and may not be able to attack. Let me be clear. This is not an ailment like a pokemon being frozen. It's more like a pokemon being confused, or being infatuated with another pokemon.

Moving on to caves. The more complicated caves in the pokemon world (i.e. Victory Road, the mountains) will have maps to help you find your way. The others will not as I want them to have the true exploratory feel. In dark caves, you will have a flashlight which will only illuminate what's in front of you. Of courseif you have a pokemon which can use Flash, your in good shape.

One major change that will be added is side missions! I'm not talking about going to catch legendary pokemon. I'm talking about side mission which each have their own little story. For example, you could have a race to the next town on your bike with someone, and they'll give you a super potion for winning. Or going to explore a cave to look for a lost pokemon. They're always doing crap like that in the anime, deviating from the main plot. So I said to myself "Why not?"

One last thing, I will want in this game. The ability to customize you character. How they look and what clothes they wear. Is your character black, white, hispanic, indian, asian? Do they have a hat? Can they wear it backwards? Shorts or jeans? Shirt or jacket? All these things will be available.

Thank you very much for reading these series of blogs. I hope something of this nature can come into fruition in my lifetime and yours. Let's cross our fingers :P

P.S. As for voice acting, it isn't a must but it would be awesome if they could get enough voices to pull off such a feat.

Ze Perfect Pokemon Game (Part 2: Story)

So last week, I introduced you into the new battle system of my dream inspired pokemon game. This week I will be focusing on the story and, boy, what a story it will be.So ever since Pokemon R/B/G/Y, the pokemon trainer Red has virtually disappeared from the world. With the exception of his appearance in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal as a ridiculously difficult trainer. Well he's coming back! That's right the title of this new pokemon game will be...

Pokemon Zenith: The Return of Red.

Of course, you still will be able to choose the name and gender of your player. However I didn't want the the title to say Pokemon Zenith: The Return of (your name here). That's just plain silly.

So as you might have gathered, you will be controlling Red yet again in this new title. While Red is doing his solitary training (or whatever the hell he's doing in the mountains) he hears a voice telling him to go see professor Oak. When Red visits Oak, Oak says that he was just about to contact him. He explains something has happened to all of the Pokemon gym leaders of the world. All of them are requiring challengers to wager their pokemon if they want to battle them. Oak wants Red to go to all of the gym leaders in the world and defeat them to find out what's going on. He also informs you that your rival, Blue, has already been sent to investigate as well.


Now I wanted to have Red go to the gyms in all of the main regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova) but that may result in a very long drawn out story. I also thought of having the story in one region but then having the option to replay the story in a different region. Both options have its pros and cons. If you think of a better soultion, please let me know!

As Red goes through and defeats the gym leaders, he slowly starts to learn that the gym leaders were being mind controlled. As he investigates further, he finds out that Team Rocket is behind the mind control devices. He stumbles into one of Team Rockets secret bases to learn what they were doing with the pokemon they took from the gym challengers. It turns out that the were fusing pokemon with humans! It was said that there once was a legendary pokemon which had the power of a pokemon but had the appearance and the intellgence of a human. The pokemon was even said to have spoken to people!They were using some kind of strange machine to do the process.Team Rocket was trying to recreate that legendary pokemon but were so far unsuccesful.

Red, being horrified of what Team Rocket was doing, could not stop them just yet as he had to resuce all of the gym leaders from being brainwashed and taking the challengers pokemon. So he called Blue to ask if he could find the main base for Team Rocket. He then spoke to Professor Oak to find out more about the legendary pokemon. Tenshi, the legendary pokemon, was discovered a the same year Red was born. It was said Tenshi was born as a result of a scientific experiment by a famous professor at the time, Professor Angelo. When Tenshi appeared in the world, the professor was never seen again. Neither was the machine. Professor Oak said it the machine ran off the energy given off by a very rare fruit. He also said that according to the research Professor Angelo left behind he wouldn't be able to live for more than a few days.

After finally liberating the final gym leader, Red looked to stop Rocket from fusing those pokemon and humans once and for all. Blue informs him that he found the base but it was crawling with Team Rocket operatives. As Red and Blue are trying to figure out how to infiltrate the base, the liberated gym leaders show up and volunteer their help. The gym leaders distract the guards out front while Red and Blue sneak in back. The leader of Team Rocket greets them as Red and Blue make it to the fusion room. Along with the leader Team Rocket is the newly mind-controlled Elite Four! Oh yes you will have to to defeat them. Before battling the Elite Four, however, Red notices the machine and how it had a very strange fruit inside of it. After you defeat the Elite Four, the Team Rocket leader is very upset and ends up battling you.

After you defeat him, he gets desperate. He then tries to fuse himself and his strongest pokemon....and it works! With his new found power, he quickly defeats you. He then goes on to cause chaos upon the world. Feeling defeated and not knowing what to do, you go into a slight state of depression. Which then causes Blue to foolishly go and try to defeat the Team Rocket leader himself. After Red learns of this, he goes to try and stop Blue but he was too late. Blue had been defeated as well. The Team Rocket was about to lay waste to the two trainers when all of a sudden, he is attacked by some outside force. The two look up and beheld the legendary Tenshi.

Tenshi and the Team Rocket Leader battle in the most glorious of fashions. It was the greatest battle Red or Blue have ever seen. The battle rages on and they fought evenly for a short while but the Team Rocket leader appeared to be gaining the upper hand. Tenshi had also appeared to be losing power and was knocked down to the ground near Red.

Tenshi spoke to Red telling him that he must fuse with his greatest pokemon to defeat the Team Rocket leader.It was then Red realized that Tenshi was the voice who spoke to him when he first started his journey.Tenshi explained how he was able to live as long as he has was a rare fruit that he harvested before he left. It was the same fruit that was used in the machine. Red decided to fuse with his pokemon to defeat him. As Red was running to the fusion room, Tenshi warned him that there was no more fruit left and that with the stress of battle he probably would only last until the end of the battle. But Red kept running, his mind focused and his heart resolute.Fused with his pokemon, Red went into battle with the Team Rocket leader.

After you defeat the Team Rocket leader, he cries out in anger as his body fades away. As Red helps Tenshi up, everyone comes over to them to thank Red and Tenshi. Red and Tenshi start to slowly fade away as they say their good-byes to everyone. Just before they completely fade away, Tenshi then turns to Red, and says "I couldn't be more proud....son."

And with that, Red went into history as the greatest pokemon trainer ever.

Okay so I know I got a little literaryat the end there :P But I liked it.

I take ALL opinions. Thanks for reading!

Tune in next week for the final part of my Perfect Pokemon Series blog: The Exploration!


Ze Perfect Pokemon Game!

So for the past few weeks I've been pondering about Pokemon. Lots and lots of Pokemon. Mostly about a 3D pokemon game. (As in a 3D world pokemon game. Not the 3D that Sony been selling lately) And I've come up with a few ideas that will make...Ze Perfect Pokemon Game!

Battle System

There will be no more turn-based system. No more I say! It will be an action based system of sorts. Rather than wait a whole turn to do somthing, you will be able to perform an action whenever you want. But there's a catch. You will able to perform an action only once every a certain amount of seconds. After you use any attack, you will have to wait 8 seconds to perform the next action. If you use an item or throw a pokeball, you will only have to wait 5 seconds. And if you choose to run, you won't have to wait any amount of time.

This will make battle MUCH more fast-paced. Some attacks will take longer than the average attack to perform. Some will be quicker than the average attack. For example, Solar Beam will take longer than most attacks while Quick Attack will be faster. However, the individual pokemon's speed stat might change this. I will talk about stats a little later. But no matter what the attack is, the pokemon will still have to wait 8 seconds. I chose 8 seconds because I felt 10 seconds was bit too long. :P

A new feature in the battle system I thought would be good would be a Dodge command. Pokemon are alive! They won't sit and take these attacks anymore!

The Dodge command is pretty much self explanatory. After selecting it, your pokemon will dodge the next attack in it's own unique fashion. If the pokemon is just too large or is not the type of pokemon to dodge an attack, a Block command will replace the Dodge command. You are only allowed to use the Dodge/Block command a certain number of times before a timer will appear and you will not be allowed to dodge for that amount of time. As of right now I'm going to say the that time is 15 seconds but it is subject to change. As your pokemon's level goes up, the number of times you are able to to dodge will also go up.

Moving on to attack specifics:

-Attacks that would last a certain number of turns will now last a certain time.

-Moves like Protect will last a certain time and the user will not be able to attack during that time.

-Super effective attacks will have significant knockback effects. The pokemon hit won't be able to attack for about 1 second after being hit.

-One hit KO attacks will still be almost impossible to land.

-A pokemon will sleep anywhere from 5-20 seconds.

-Burned/Poisoned/Cursed pokemon will suffer the effects every 8 seconds.

-Two-turned attacks will take 8 seconds to fully perform.

-Moves that cause stat loss will also take real world effects. For example, Flash lowers the pokemon's accuracy but it will also blind the pokemon for a few seconds. As a result, the pokemon will not be able to dodge or attack.

One final thing. Since this pokemon right now is most likely not possible on handhelds, it will have to be on consoles. And because that I have an idea for choosing moves during battles. You still will only be able to choose from 4 moves during battles. However, you will no longer have to sacrifice previous moves you learned for new moves. You will keep all of the moves the pokemon learns and will be able to switch them out for the specific moves you want. In-between battles and during battles. Each move will be mapped to a certain button. Which ever move you want to switch, you would simply hold down that button, a menu will pop up and you would choose the move you want. This part can be kinda tricky as this may take a little while.

Please give me your feedback. I appreciate you reading this. Tune in next week for my idea on the story! :)

Help Me Decide! (and hurry!)

Ok so need some help here. Came across this buy 2 get 1 used game free deal at Gamestop. Now I want to buy GTAIV The Complete Edition, Mirror's Edge, and get LBP2 for free. I can get all of this for about $50. I have to ask though. Is GTAIV a good game? I've never fully played a GTA game before. Only played snippets here and there throughout the years due to strict parents. Please help me out.

Why I think Infamous 2 got a 7.5 here.

Disclaimer: I am, in no way, a PS3 fanboy upset about the score. I was interested strictly because the same person reviewed the first Infamous game.

Now, as you may or may not know, System Wars was in a frenzy when then score of Infamous 2 came out. People were saying flop left and right. However, other people were arguing that the game was better than the Infamous 2 review here led us to believe. Bringing up the metacritic average which was 84% I believe.Now I agreed that something was up with the review but not for the same reason they did.

After reading the review of Infamous and Infamous 2, it's my BELIEF that the reviewer, Tom McShea, of the two games was vastly disappointed in the sequel. I think that he had certain expectations for Infamous 2 and they were not met. And this is why I think sequels to games need to be reviewed by a different person than the predecessor. The reviewer will tend to be less objective if he or she played previous games in the series. Now I'm not saying reviewers are completely objective but the level of objectivity can change.

I'm sure Tom McShea is a great reviewer and has reviewed many games as objective as possible. But for Infamous 2, I think he let his personal feelings about the series get the best of him.

Thank you for reading.

The Procrastinator Chronicles: Summer Edition

So lately, I've been procrastinating. A lot. And it's, as you've might have guessed, because of summer. Whenever it's summer, wherever I am, I just get a ridiculous dose of laziness injected into me. :P Also June 7th is hell day.

Things that I have yet to do that I said I would do:

-Writing my LA Noire review

-Start eating breakfast

-Start my workout routine

-Sign up for fall classes

-Sign up for summer classes :P

-Make an app for android

-Figure out why Breaking Bad is so popular

The LA Noire review is about half way done and it's not like I don't know what to write. I just don't feel like writing it :P

Now, I will tell you the reasons why June 7th is hell day with 4 points.

1. E3 starts this day. No explanation needed.

2. Infamous 2 comes out this day. No explanation needed.

3. The Heat playoff game is on this day. No explanation needed.

4. This is the day my cousin decides to move out of his apartment and my parents are making me help. No. Explantation. Needed.

I promise I will try to work on my laziness. Until next time, my friends! :)

Captain Underpants, Fanboys, LA Noire. What more could you ask for?

Hola como estas? :) (That was me trying to speak Spanish)

Lets start off with an encounter I had at my local Gamestop.

For the first time ever, There was a PS3 fanoby working at Gamestop! :o I know! Shocking, right? I went into the GS to reserve my copy of LA Noire. While reserving, the cahsier told me he was also anticipating the game and so we sort of get into a conversation about the game. There was a break in the conversation, for a minute or two, then he asked me which version I wanted it for. I said PS3. He then did a small fist pump. Originally I thought he was just doing it because he got a sale and he was overexcited so I thought nothing of it. After another small break in silence he then says and I quote "Did you hear that the 3-sucky version has 3 disks for this game?"

I nearly broke out in laughter but I held it in till I got outside. Made my day indeed :P

Speaking of LA Noire, it comes out in 2 days! :D I'm extremely excited for this game. I'm on an hiatus from the game till I get it. Haven't even see how big the map is. It's going to be awesome! Look out for my written review for this game!

Moving right along, I recently found one of my childhood books.

Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome series. I loved this series of books. I remember actually waiting in anticpation of the next book to come out. Which I never did in those days. Elementary kids tend to look down on kids who read all the time. Anyways, anyone who was never heard of this, GO READ THIS NAO! Muchas Gracias :)

Thanks for reading! Once again keep an eye out for my LA Noire review!

So I discovered something on my trip to Georgia...

I discoverved that heavy turbulence in an airplane is probably one of the most scariest things in the world to go through. The feeling of the plane dropping 100ft is NOTHING to laugh about. I'm pretty sure me and the baby in front of me s*** our pants at the same time.

But I also discovered that I have a knack for writing. Even though I hate doing it unless I have some kind of divine intervention. (Usually happens on the toilet). So since this talent has arisen, I've decided to start writing reviews for games I get. I wanted to do video reviews but I look like a bum half of the time and I dislike the sound of my voice. I truly sound like the nerds you see on TV. And possibly in the movies. You probably think I'm exaggerating. You're absolutely right. But it's justified. If that makes any sense.

So look out for my written reviews. I will start with LA Noire when I finish the game.

*in best surfer voice ever* Later, dudes.