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mrmusicman247 Blog

I love how...

-I love how everyone thinks Microsoft has nothing for next year. There's something called multiplats and E3.

-I love how everyone hates the new SSX game when they haven't seen one shred of gameplay.

-I love how everyone used to think RDR was GOTY when it came out and now people just think its GTA in the West.

-I love how people hate COD just to hate COD.

-I love how people complain games aren't original nowadays.

-I love how people hate motion controls just because they love traditional controls, not because the game doesn't play well with them

-I love how everyone wants Co-Op in their single player games now.

-I love how everyone cares so much about the Best of 2010 awards.

-I love how everyone hates cliches. If there weren't cliches, a story wouldn't hold together.

Two shows I've recently discovered.

So recently I've been watching two shows that I have pretty much fallen in love with.

The Walking Dead

Now from what I understand, this series was originally a comic book series. And from what I've watched, I honestly want to read the comics now. And I don't even read comics!

This show has the ability to keep me guessing until the end of the episode (so far) and its just amazing. Waiting a week until the next episode could be used as a form of torture.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

This show is ******* hilarious. It reminds me of The Office but a rated R version of it. I know I'm about 6 seasons late to the party but I'm quickly catching up. I'm already on the episode where Dee has a heart attack. A bunch of jerks who do crazy things. And I have to say that I used to hate Danny Devito. But after watching the a few episodes, this guy is alright in my book.

I highly recommend both of these shows :)

Gaming overload.

So I recently acquired a new PS3 through forcing my brother to pay me pack the money he owes me :)

I haven't decided on a name yet but i'm working on it.

Anywho, I have a buttload of games coming my way in the next few months.

1. RDR Undead Nightmare - I've been dying to play this ever since it came out so now I will get the chance. If anyone else has the game, hit me up on PSN :D

2. Call of Duty Black Ops - I just finished the campaign for this game the other day and it was a-freaking-mazing. It was better than the COD4 campaign which I really enjoyed. Again if you have the game, Hit me up

3. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Anticipating this game ever since it was announced. AC2 ending was the biggest WTF ending ever! Even the main character says WTF at the the end!

4. Mass Effect 2 (PS3) - My friend has been hammering home how ME2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The thing is I need to play the first one. Like its my OCD. I can't play the sequel to a game without playing the original. No matter how crappy it is. And I need an Xbox for that >_>

As you can see, I have enough to entertain me for quite a while. However come spring, even more games are coming out! I mean, i can't really complain. Too many games is always better than not enough games. But my wallet is really suffering :(

I do take donations if you want to contribute to the MrMusicMan's gaming fund :)

I'd just like to point out...

...that my school's, the University of Central Florida or UCF, football team is currently ranked higher than both UF and UM. And it is possible, by the end of the weekend, we will be in the Top 25!! :D

This is HUGE!! And we're currently undefeated in our conference. So we're doing damn good. :)

We have a game on friday night on ESPN2. Be sure to watch our team in all its glory!

So I'm back

Hey what's up, mah peeps? I'm back from taking a break from GS for a couple months. I've been doing a buttload of studying. Mostly for my programming class. Which is hard as ****. It's like learning a new language. But some how i just keep going back.

As you may or may not have noticed, I've changed my avy and sig. My avatar used to be Steve Urkel but decided it was time for a change. I went with gifs from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game. Which I might add is a very good game. Hard, but a good game nonetheless.

So yeah, just wanted to say that and its nice to be back :)

Going back to school tomorrow.

Starting my second year here at UCF and i'm feeling pretty good about it. Moved in to the new apartment and i'm loving it. And the roommates. First day i met one of them and we spent like 4 hours playing Super Smash Bros. Oh yeah. I'm gonna like it here.

I'm really excited about starting school too. I'm changing my major to computer science and I'm loving the no chemistry classes. However there is a slight dilemna. School starts tomorrow but...Mafia II comes out Tuesday! How ridiculous is that? Its almost like someone is testing me.

School needs to be a priority so i'm really hoping this new major helps me get interested in the classes so I can do better.

Triple M out.

My new Iphone 4

So I got my new Iphone yesterday and let me just say this phone is amazing. And I haven't even used all of its functions! This is my first apple product so im still an extreme noob with this. I've downloaded a few free apps (Angry Bird and Facebook) Angry Bird is ridiculously addicting. This phone is just the bees knees

Some things however i don't like about it are how fingerprints are so visible on the screen and the battery life. It just seems the battery goes down kind of quick. I adjusted the brightness to see if that will help .The fingerprint problem can be solved though. I heard about the invisble shield that protects it. We'll see if i'll get it.

So to anyone on the fence about getting this amazing phone, go get it now. Like right now. Like this minute. Because if you don't, i'll do it for you.

Red Dead Redemption!

First off, I just got 100% and I must say that I love this game. I truly haven't wanted to play a game this much day after day since Uncharted 2 or Kingdom Hearts 2.

The game is beautiful. From the snowy mountains in Tall Trees to the to hot and dry deserts of Mexico, this game is just a sight for sore eyes. And its a sandbox. A SANDBOX! Don't even get me started on the horses. I had my friend come in to look at the horses in the game. (She's takes care of them on the weekends). Even she was blown away on how realistic they looked. The night sky is also a thing to behold. But my favorite times of day are dawn and dusk. Seeing the sunrise or the sunset makes me feel so warm inside. (I mean that in the most manly way possible.)

The story, in my most honest opinion, was fantastic. And i'm so glad that it lasted so long. I honestly thought that the game was going to when John was about to take Fort Mercer with everyone. I hear alot of people say things slow down in Mexico. I enjoyed it the "revolution" feel it gave. Another thing people complained about was the conversations the characters had during the trips that they would take on the story missions. I personally felt that they added to the feeling of the old west.

One thing that I noticed about this is game that...the side mission never get boring! At least for me. Hunting, gathering flowers, sharp shooting, stranger missions anything! It was a lot of fun. The stranger missions I found very interesting.

I just found the whole thing extremely immersive. It was so much fun.

Now i have to play the mulitplayer ;)