Yes, soap will dry it out. Saline solution, and for moisturizing/soothing of irritation use tea tree oil on it. My piercings have ALWAYS taken longer than the usual amount to heal. Just clean it like, thrice daily, wash your hands before you do! Eventually it will heal, you'll know when there is no crust, no seepage and then flesh is normal colored and pliable.
my_mortal_coil's forum posts
Girls hug when the joy inside of them simply cannot be contained anymore or expressed merely with words or high-pitched shrieks.
Guys hug girls to cop a feel.
I got it a couple of days ago, and I really like it. It's got charm, a good story line and a simple but entertaining battle system. Also the good or evil system is great too, you'll be able to play a couple of playthroughs (eg be good one times, evil another).
Achievements wise, most of them are really easy. You shouldn't play games for achievements though, it kind of defeats the purpose. That's what I think, anyway.dylanmcc
And how does it defeat the purpose of playing a game? To still enjoy it? To play it more and more thoroughly? To strive through a seemingly impossible feat inanticipation ofthat beautiful little sound as you complete a tough challenge? To play more competitively?
If playing for achievements defeats the purpose of playing a game I guess the guys @ microsoft are a bunch of jerks; sweep-kicking the fun right out of every game released for the system.
(Perfect Dark) I'd say get it. The story is good, not the best but better than avarage. The learning curve is a little high though as it's not just "Goto Point A, kill X amount of people or reachlandmark Y, continue to Point B, rinse, repeat". It has a lot of spy gagets that are a mix of fun and bothersome. There are a lot of stealth elements to it.
For the price, you will get your money's worth.
Not sure about GbtG, though.
man, it was bacon,salami,pastrami,then toasted with cheddar cheese then in the end i spread some soft cheese.
you gotta make it
Sounds like the bomb a** sandwich, but I would add roasted peppers to that list. For hot sandwiches that's alway the pinache. For cool sandwiches it's alfalfa sprouts (for that earthy taste) and sliced jalapenos. I like my heat.
My favorite thing about working at GameStop is when guys would ask me if I played games..... :S I got this question a lot. It's weird because 38% of gamers are women. That's a decent size chunk, yet guys act surprised when they found out you are a gamer. Amnesiac23
Really? 38%? I'm glad to hear that but that seems high. My GF is a gamer and I love that extra quality about her. She understands my inner (and outer) nerd and we can play together. I often dominate on various games (obviously more shooter type games), but she will best me at quite a few of our games (she whoops my a** at Peggle, among others), at first I got a *little* ego-bruised but then realized when this happens SHE can feel good, so it's a natural trade-off. I am not the best among guys, but I don't suck either; why should this be any different with girls?
- Peter Straub's The Night Room
- Larry Niven's The Integral Trees (HC Sci-Fi nerd 8) )
- Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls (AMAZING book, one of my favs)
- Game Informer
When I lived in a crapa** ghetto my neighbors place got shot up. That's to the left not across the street. It was LOUD and I thought they were shooting at my place. Terrifying and exhilerating all at once.
I work where I hear gunshots every day though: the county clink.
Never happened to me. If it takes you exiting the game to stop it tells me it's a software glitch. If it keeps doing it I would recommend turning the rumble off in the NXE menu system, it'll suck to not have force feedback, but at least you can still enjoy the game.
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