@bloodbornelore: The film was so long already, and unlike almost everything else in the books, the entire Bombadil chapter cuts out of the overall plot so cleanly. For people who aren't already crazy about LOTR, the first book is actually a pretty slow starter.
@KahnArtizt: OK, so first of all, I clearly meant semi-automatic weapons. Weapons that have the ability to kill 50 people in a few seconds. If that has some other special name, which technically makes it something else, There's no words in any language to describe how little I care.
Second, civilians absolutely can get fully automatic weapons in the US. It's a lot harder, but it is by no means flatly illegal in any situation. Which wasn't my original point at all, but angry kids just have a magical way of embarrassing themselves automatically. Or is that semi-automatically. Oh wait. I don't care.
@Decoy77: “I'm pretty sure they do a lot of hunting...but what do I know.” Yeah, people hunting. Hunting people. But OK, fine. I'd happily take an automatic weapons ban. That's a fantastic first step. Absolutely totally unnecessary for hunting. No possible complaints there.
“If there was truly a gun problem with the number of guns that are owned in the USofA you would know it” And yet alllll the people saying, “We know it”, you're ignoring. Half of Americans view gun violence as a “very big problem”. plus another 24% who say, “moderately big problem”. That's nearly 75%. And >50% support stricter gun regulation. Tens of thousands of people die every year from gun violence. 75% of all murders are by gunshot. That's not even counting all the accidents and suicides. Or the ENORMOUS amount of money guns and their consequences, cost state and local governments in policing and healthcare. Every other country with guns got rid of them and is doing absolutely great. But for some magical reason that cannot be explained, it wouldn't work in the US. No logic, no data, no statistics, just, “It wouldn't work”, despite the fact it does.
“Again it takes a BAD person with a gun to do bad things.” Exactly right. Bad person + gun = bad things. Beautifully put. So, therefore... let all the bad people... have guns! Oh wow it's... it's simply genius. And as we know, there's nothing especially deadly about a gun in particular. Which is why the military kills exclusively with knives and cars. You know some people say knives aren't as useful if your target is more than 1m away. But those people don't know what they're talking about.
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