“The choice of clothing and the cut of the beard and its dressing are left to the discretion of men. But beware, O people, lest ye make yourselves the playthings of the ignorant.”
@Decoy77: guns are designed for killing people. that's all they're for. if no one ever wanted to kill, there would be no guns. when you think of killing someone, you think: gun. guns make killing people 1,000 easier for the layman than anything else. i could go on.
@Atzenkiller: I literally mentioned emulators right there in my comment. If you can't be bothered reading my comment, I can't be bothered reading yours.
@Atzenkiller: Well uh, I haven't played more than half of the series, and the reason I haven't bought them is because it felt to me like the series was such a disjointed mess, and I didn't want to have to switch from old to new, from original to remaster, from native to emulated, just to get through it in order. Also because I didn't want to play them without modern QoL features. This may not be the “superior” version or whatever, but it's perfect for me.
As a PC gamer, the platform to which come all good things in the end, let me be the first to say, there's no way this isn't coming to consoles. The collection is a cash grab, and excluding other platforms isn't how cash grabs work. That being said, at least of what we've seen, it doesn't look unforgivably lazy. I will pick it up at some point, but at a huge discount. I'm in no rush. I can happily wait 5 years for something like this to get to an appropriate price.
naryanrobinson's comments