@rawkstar007: “It’s woke because they have to completely destroy a beloved male person’s character in both the figurative and literal sense to elevate a female lead.” Garbage? So when a girl's father dies in an accient IRL, and she becomes the “main character” of her family, is that “woke” as well? Or is it only “woke” when you tell someone else about it? Just face it, you're upset because the character you liked, died. Because you didn't get what you wanted. Lots of people die, in game, in real life. Do you call that “unearned” and “garbage”? Sometimes terrible things just happen to good people, suddenly, brutally, and it doesn't feel fair. What's more realistic than that? If Ellie had died instead of Joel, all these angry, young, white, male gamers (and they are, YouTube proves it) wouldn't have given the game a 0/10, and you know it. They didn't “destroy his character”, for god sake, stop being so dramatic. They gave him a flaw. They made him human. Instead of a flawless, warm, caring, stoic, badass killer, who also happens to be very handsome. What a coincidence that he just so happened to be the ideal future version of all the angry reviewers. I would respond to the rest of your comment, but its essentially the same thing, besides the allegedly misleading marketing material, which I don't know about, but which happens literally all the time in this industry and you don't get armies of young males giving those games 0/10 in expletive-filled tantrum reviews. All these people, they all act like they're suddenly experts in narrative, and that's why the game sucks, but in fact dig under the surface, and they're all about the same thing, from the same types of people. Good narrative isn't demographic-specific. In fact all I'm reading, is that there's a specific demographic of people who can't handle grown-up stories in games. They literally can't handle it.
It's up there, especially if you include the second part. But gaming's greatest story? No, I can pretty comfortably disagree.
Besides, I have a hard time including these very cinematic-heavy, modern, usually PlayStation games in this category. Because while they're definitely games, they feel like they had to sacrifice some of their game-ness for a good/great story.
If the entire time you're getting the story, you don't have to touch the controls, then you haven't integrated the story into the game format very well.
@alex33x: A “woke dumpster fire” ? You mean because you play as a girl? Or because the white guy died?
It has consistent 9s and 10s across the board. And if you look at user review scores, almost all the negative reviews are a 0 or 1 out of 10. Which is the classic sign of entitled children. Even when they say every part of the game was brilliant besides the story, it's still a 0/10. Those aren't reviews. Those are tantrums.
It's not a “dumpster fire” just because you didn't get the perfect bedtime story you wanted. Time to grow up.
If someone (1st or 3rd party) actually makes a swappable stick module with magnetic sensors, instead of this cheap potentiometer crap we've been fed since forever (including on Xbox Elite, and on this thing) then I may actually buy one. I admit, it does manage to tick every other box for me. But I'm not going to spend that amount of money, just to have my sticks drift off centre, and have to replace it with the same sub-par crap every year.
It's time for manufacturers to stop cheating us with products that are designed to die. Give us products that are designed to last. Give us magnetic sensors.
@dirtydyk: There's that same tired argument again. It's amazing how a line so stupid could survive into such old age.
Basically everything is made in China. So what? You're saying the only people who can call out the horrors of slavery, are the people who literally don't own anything?
You're not actually saying that you have no concept of proportion at all. What you're actually saying is, no one should ever act on their principles, so that you don't get exposed for not having any. That's a truly special level of selfish.
Those slaves being tortued to death in China as we speak, can just suck your dirty dirty dyk, right?
@Atzenkiller: As of Windows 8, it ties itself to the motherboard. Change anything else, no problem, change motherboard, you'll need a new version of Windows.
As for Office, I have friends in uni who can get me a 90% discount, as I'm sure everyone does.
@kvallyx: Well that's definitely a nice upgrade from Xenu the alien. And the rank system that's determined almost exclusively by monetary donation? How about targeting individual members of the IRS with death threats to ensure their tax-exempt status in the US? A bit on the nose from a disgraced and dishonorably discharged founder that said starting a religion would be a great way to make some green.
When Scientology provides the founding principles of a civilisation that lasts a thousand years, I'll throw it a bone. And they don't have the excuse that their questionable elements were literally written in the year 0.
@kvallyx: Scientology doesn't believe in God. It's a cult by definition. How many religions do you know, let you move up the ranks exclusively by means of donation?
@kvallyx: You mean apart from how it was founded, who founded it, the core beliefs, the behaviour of its higher members, the nature of its heirachy, the documentaries on it, and the insane illegal s*** it gets up to?
naryanrobinson's comments