I don't trust modern GameSpot for one second. They block our access to commenting on the more political articles, delete “irrelevant” comments when you try to discuss that fact elsewhere on the site, then say they're “just a gaming site” when you point to those political articles.
Hell even that aside, look at the way they're posting articles like, “Oh boy golly gee!! Attack of the Clones is good after all!! I remembered all wrong!!” now that Disney has a new series out with the same actors playing the same characters, and a big financial stake in the public's emotional investment in those characters. I've seen near identical articles in several places online just the past few months. What a coincidence. You only need to be 10% dishonest to be 100% unreliable.
So when I read an article saying the new woke Saints Row doesn't look good, I'm not taking it on face value. I'm wondering if there's some backstage beef with a developer they don't like, or if they're taking money from someone else to write it, or if they're just building their defence for when they give it a really high score later.
I've got no problem with being called a conspiracy theorist, btw. What like people never “conspire” to do bad things? I've no reason to trust the employees of a massive media conglomerate called “RED VENTURES” that selectively disables free speech to prevent people challenging their political narrative.
I'm more of a LOTR guy than a Star Wars buff, but... no... AotC was a really bad film. And I do mean really bad. Although I can understand the confusion after watching the Disney propaganda ones. They just felt like an outright lie. A lie from a friend no less. So it's a different league of bad.
As a relative Star Wars outsider, from my perspective, the series (in release order) went from pretty weak but with well-realised characters, to worse and worse and worse until now it feels completely artificial from surface to core.
The HDMI Forum is clearly corrupt and there needs to be an investigation launched. Part of their job was to help consumers understand the standard, and for what possible reason would they mangle it so badly, if they weren't receiving dirty money from manufacturers? Same goes for the USB Implementers Forum. Roll the log over and watch the cockroaches scatter.
As a PC gamer I'm more interested in a potential new revision of the DualSense, which may come alongside the new PS5. A lot of big problems with the DS4 were fixed in later revisions.
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