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Top 10 ways to die in a game!

Just found this video by listing their picks for the top 10 ways to die in a video game.
Check the video out here!
(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

What are your thoughts on this?

Tattoo Assassins

This is just wrong!
This is an early 90's Mortal Kombat rip off called Tattoo Assassins. I gotta find out how to get this game, everything on this video is so chessey and so fun!
Check it out!

(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

Real or Fake?

I have learned that there is a claim of leaked gameplay footage out there on the web of Call of Duty 4.
What are your thoughts?
Check out the footage here.
(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

Cute or CREEPY???

I just found this video showcasing a Puppy Bot.
It combines the utility of a Nokia 770 Internet Tablet with the personality (and body) of a robot puppy dog. Apparently you can control its movements by using another tablet, and it'll even update its facial expressions to reflect whatever it's doing at that moment. No word on if you can launch Google Talk while it's in dog mode or if you'd just be too saddened by those digital puppy eyes to carry on a decent conversation. Either way, peep the video on the flip side for the full effect.
Click here for the video.

(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

very MAD!!!

Last night my wife and I turned on our playstation 2 to play Need for Speed : Most Wanted and lo' and behold....
The memory expansion pack that I have (Picture below.) became unformatted and lost all of my game save data. (Which we had a lot of, mostly my stuff.)
This isn't the first time this happened, it did occur about a month or two ago.
But I thought nothing of it, only as it being a freak occurance.
Well, now I'm going to have to everything all over again, but I think this time I'm going to say "Goodbye" to memory cards in general.
I'm going to start backing up my saves on a Hard Drive. So I'm going to have to get some equipment soon to do so....

(The Culprit...)

Not a boredom trick, just a prank

Ok, so the person in this video was a bit nice with this little prank.
I can think of a WHOLE realm of things to do to people with this. Hahaha!!!
Check the video out here for the instructions and demonstartion.
(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

Wiimote meets Google Earth

Here's a little demonstration of someone useing the Wiimote on his computer. This is pretty cool to see the Wiimote being used on Google Earth, this is a great idea.
Check the video right here.
(This link will open a new window to were the video is hosted.)

Wii have another problem

I just found this artivle over at, A woman got a black eye. It wasn't due to a broken strap, instead it was due to a boss battle in The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess. You can read the full article here.(This link will open a new window to, the publisher of the article.)

My Gamestop experience.

This past weekend my wife and I stopped into a Gamestop were we live and I have to say this... "I will NOT be returning to a GameStop store." For those of you that know me, have read my reviews or my blog, you should know I pick stuff out of the Bargain Bin a lot.
I got to this GameStop and pick out 2 titles, The first was Kill Switch (for me) and the other was Need for Speed : Most Wanted... (for my wife.)
So I get to the counter and this employee goes to get them from the back room and it takes her a while to retrieve them.
I over looked that, thinking to myself "Hey, they have a lot of games, it's going to take a little while."
So this girl gets to back to the register and proceeds with her little upsales pitch. And she didn't show me the condition of the games... Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm used to the sales rep. show me the condition of the disc.
So needless to say, I left the store not thinking about the condition of them because we were in a hurry to catch the next bus. (Yes, We take City Buses, We use to live in NYC) I get on the bus then we look at the games, NFS : MW didn't even have it's booklet.... So we felt over charge on that one....
I looked at Kill Switch and it did have it's booklet, so no problem there. Then we looked at the discs themselves.....
Both of them were in horrible condition!
I had to repeatedly resurface them, NFS wasn't as bad as Kill Switch. But Kill Switch was in such bad condition there was no way it would play in my PS2.
If it wasn't for my Skip Doctor, I would have raised Kane with them. But screw it, I'm just not going into there anymore.