@zisek uhh the PS4/PC/ yes even Wii U does not require Kinect to take your data and sell (it to unknown companies) without your knowledge of when and how many times.
@Duninn2013 @neroist @DarkSunless @bledsoe45sbc @Gallowhand good point there everyone loves Steam. But at even EA's Origin let's you KEEP the game once installed and you can make changes to it as well. And everyone hates EA but you have more rights with them than Steam go figure...
@Duninn2013 @DarkSunless @bledsoe45sbc @Gallowhand Buy from GoG, Gamestop digital, or any site that lets you have your copy and keep it. Just shop around there are good deals all over the internetz.
@Gallowhand Funny you used the CD analogy. If you buy a CD and rip a song to and mp3 player you do not have the right to sell it. That is why they want you to install your game. As you are in an effect you have copied the media and can not sell the original. It's pretty dirty tactics.
@tomservo51 @pspearman ps has a point that everyone loves Steam. But Steam sees games as services that can (and will) be taken away at anytime for any reason... without notification if they chose.
That's why you buy GoG, (sometimes)Gamespot online, and other DRM free sites when possible or just run to the store and buy it.
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