@vadagar1 They want you to install the game for copyright law. If you buy a CD you can give it away, sell, or pass to a family member when you die. But if you copy that CD to another media ie rip a song to a mp3 player. You can no longer sell, give, loan or pass it to a family member when you die. M$ is not your friend.
@bledsoe45sbc @SIDEFX1 @RunsWithWolfs @rice2555 NO they ARE selling your interest in TV, ads , games.. violence. It knows when you look away. read the Privacy Policy & ToS. That information it used. why would they garther it anyway if not?
@bledsoe45sbc @rice2555 @RunsWithWolfs @SIDEFX1 The fact remains they are taking peoples info and selling sharing without knowledge of who gets it. Further more it can tell what excites people. That is basically taking your inner thoughts and feelings without your intended expression of them. And selling to unknown parties.
@rice2555 @bledsoe45sbc @Vidpci Don't worry if you turn off the lights it goes into infrared to see in the dark even with out lights. Its also a mic. And when you shut down the Xbox the Kinect stays on ... why?
he fact that Kinect has to be plugged in and working at all times. Infrared see is the dark pulse taking camera watching you always, taking data and then storing it in a database.
Making the Xbox having to go online once every 24 hours to “sync up”. I would say its safe to assume they want this data regularly sent to them and stored. That data can then be sold to other parties. But what is worse is that LAW ENFORCEMENT CAN ACCESS THIS DATA WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE! It only takes a subpena or just a request from courts, law enforcement or government. When put into the airports were are upset. Now we buy it to put in our homes? #meetTrojanhorse
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