@fluffykiller @thekazumalord @dummpymonkey123 I'll only partly agree with the statement that "next-gen" only refers to the fact that it's a the successor to the console before.
Definitions evolve with societal use and, as of recent, next-gen has become more synonymous with technology implications & solutions than with being the next version of a console.
Sure it still means the literal next version to some, to most it doesn't. Just like the term "awesome" used to be synonymous with awe inspiring in a terrible way, now its synonymous with cool.
@mamelon2012 @Nzilla It does. It stems, psychologically, from a persons need to be part of a group, and rather than be a universal gamer, we've divide ourselves into platform/console identifying gamers, even though 70% of games are the same across all of them.
@rene9ade520 @ngoss @WillyWynn Thanks for the correction. I did mean the console reveal, which gamers should expect it to be focused on the console and it's features, not the games.
@rene9ade520 @ngoss @WillyWynn Thanks for the correction. Too many game conferences to keep straight. I suppose I meant they talked about all those features at their console reveal, which should be about the console and not the games.
@Oofoor I love this response because it brings to light, correctly in my opinion, that most every reader will probably automatically assume all games in a franchises will be F2P - microtransaction hell holes. The sad part, however, of your thoughtful response (I really mean that) has just as much of a chance to be wrong too, though more likely to be correct.
We don't know the meaning behind El Presidente Moore's words, and we won't until they start to show and publish.
@WillyWynn I will never understand peoples logic (fanboys or not) that because Xbox One has these bonus feature it will not be a gaming first machine. Granted, they marketed the bonus features at E3, which was supposed to be about the console, but every other piece has been about games as well.
Also, the fact that the two consoles share 70% of the launch (and announced titles), how can it be drastically less of a gaming machines? EA games for everyone, Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, etc.
I hope that none of you own or want a BMW or Mercedes, because by your logic they are not drive first cars, so you better piss and bitch about them. Ford Fiesta's for everyone!!
@AventusAretino @rodd76dog @grove12345 @robbiejones Your preferred Gamertag and account details required to use xbox live. Very hush-hush stuff, you know.
@oabu P.S. half those games are not exclusives, one exists in the form of CG trailers (1886), one of them (Titanfall) is xbox & pc only (as of now), and one of them was for P.S. 1 (Syphon Filter). I'm sure Sony will produce some rad exclusives, but this list is really only 4 games.
@Sublime408 @deadly_yank33 I didn't care for their launch and some of their almost policies, but I don't think they ever once didn't believe in what they made. I think we (consumers) had lots of beef, thus making them change else not selling. If anything, I'm betting they believed in it too much and maybe either neglected or didn't perform enough research. Maybe only talked to like minded folks.
ngoss' comments