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#1 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

WHERE THE **** IS THE NEXT TWISTED METAL GAME??????!!!! first off sorry if there is another thread like this out there..didnt bother checking, but yea this is absolute BS!

Ive been waiting some time now for a twisted metal game to come out after black was released EARLY in the ps2 life cycle...the fact that there hasnt been another TM game to hit home consoles since what? like 8 friggin years is just plain inexcusable. And yea the port from psp doesnt count..even if it did have some "lost levels" from black2.

If sony really wanted to step it up they woulda been on this game a lonnngg time ago. This series was a staple for sony, and TMBlack was an amazing game with praise from critcs and fans alike... Imagine what it would be like on the PS3?..pure awesomeness. So what if it "might" be in development now, I want hard proof that its coming soon (aka a showing at E3). Stupid sony tell that God of War guy to start making this game already...

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#2 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

I want to take my street fighter 4 up to college where I can play on my buddy's ps3, and I dont wanna go through all of the trouble of unlocking all the characters again..

I tried to save my SF4 game save to a usb stick but it says that I there any other way around this?

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#3 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connectionENDOT12123

man its good to hear that the install is optioanal i hate installing games on to the hardrive,

For SF4 ur gonna want to install it to the HDD tho, cuz the load times are pretty long with out it installed.. i think it was GS that said 30secs w/o and around 10secs installed.

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#4 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

ok so WTF it happened again..i was bison, got 3 perfects and 3 ultra finishes in aracde mode..fought gouken, kicked his ass..and the game didnt save him! WTF this is really pissing me off now im just wasting my time...maybe i have a really messed up ps3 or a faultly game??

(and yes i did the requirements to unlock gouken...)

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#5 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Ok well we all know the economy is suffering globally and I think we all know what that fix is gonna be.........WAR its going to become the basis of the global economy. See Hideo actually had a crystal ball and could see the future and saw the economy starting to tank and saw how warfare was going to put the economy back on track, he just decided to make a game out of it and make money that way. So I figured we might as we get a head start on things and form our own Private Military Corporation (PMC) before the competition gets to tough, and cash in on this! So who's with me?! Let the rise of Outer Heaven begin!


this is basic economics not hideo kojima...this is what they tought us in econ..obviously not pratical, but its the best way to stimulate the economy..

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#6 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Did you back out to the main menu in SF IV before turning it off? I think that is when the autosave kicks in.Thetaguru

well yea, after i beat the game the credits roll say game over and that ive unlocked some movies in gallery and sakura is now playable then goes back to the main menu where i did some trails...maybe it was a one time thing..

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#7 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
ok..i jus looked it up and had to have done other things to unlock that explains him i guess
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#8 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
heyy, i was wondering if u guys had any game save problems with the ps3 in street fighter 4...the first time i beat the game and unlocked sakura i played some more and turned off the system and started up SF later on and she wasnt saved?? i beat it again and then she did save automatically and so did rose..

but now i just beat the game again and beat akuma, but he wasnt saved?? i dunno whats goin on but its kinda weird..

does anyone else have problems with saves??
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#9 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts
dpad...although i would probably prefer the ps2 dpad and controller over all...but yea if ur using the ps3 controller then dpad > analog for sure..
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#10 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

[QUOTE="Pablo620"]i think the 360 controller blows and its uglykenshinhimura16

You obviously never used one. I prefer my 360 controller over my PS3 controller. I hate the Ps3 analog sticks and the controller is so small. The analog sticks shouldn't be so close to each other and it shouldn't be so loose. Not the best design if you ask me....

I wish I could be able to do this mod.


I have used both but i guess im just used to the PS controller. And i still think the 360 controller is ugly though

I have used both, but I much prefer the SIXAXIS, it's probably because I'm so used to the Playstation controllers. The XBOX controllers just feel too bulky for me and the buttons seem missplaced. Oh, and as long as we're on the subject, I've been hearing a lot of people talk about how the SIXAXIS' design hasn't changed since PS1, but if I recall correctly, Sony had a new design and everyone bashed it before the even tried it and they begged Sony to go back to the original design. One can hardly penalize Sony for complying with it's customer's request!

I was gonna say exactly the same thing as you.

To the TC, dont go saying your opinion as FACT, there is no perfect controller. the D-pad on the 360 sucks big time, so unless you aqre planing to play only FPS, both controllers are good choices.

the PS3 controller sucks. and yes it is the same thing we have been using for nearly a decade now, and to think they were gonna replace it with a boomerang? u gotta be kiddin me. sure the concept controller looks ergomonic but it looks nasty as hell. and of course ppl are gonna chose the old one over it...look at it!! sony stresses how this is next gen gaming, but yet use a decade old excuse. i cant wait till they implement rumble back, n hopefully change some design tweeks like offset analog sticks.