Alright, so it isn't that low of a score, and a lot of people probably agree with that or think the game just sucks overall...but its my favorite game (and series) and I think it deserved a little bit higher because of the gameplay improvements over the original. (Maybe if Final Mix + is released, it will get a higher score because of more features, and yes I know the game was easy but it was fun).
But I guess if it had to be a really low score for a game I really liked...uh...I don't really know. I agree with most of the reviews...but Indigo Prophecy and Fable I would maybe disagree with. I had a lot of fun with those games. And I guess I would add Phoenix Wright (we're going by Gamespot scores right?). Zassimick
So you've never liked a game rated under 8.7?
Of course I have, its just that I haven't really disagreed with a reviewer by the time I have beaten a game. I don't have all the money in the world, so I play games that look interesting to me and that get good reviews, and well...I don't play too many games under 7 even though 6s and 7s are still good scores and good games. When I do play a game that is a 6 or 7 though, I usually agree with what the reviewer said and therefore am not too terribly disappointed.
Get what I'm saying? Maybe? Kinda? If not, I'm sorry...I have failed.
I'm just picking on people not responding to the thread title, "What is the lowest GameSpot score given to a game you really liked?" It's quickly turning into "what's your favorite nonAAA. If that's what people want to post about, make a new thread.
I don't really think so. At Gamespot, 7.8 is a good game, 2 points shy of 'great'. I highly doubt 7.8 is the lowest rated game anyone has enjoyed playing. At least without any explanation.
Alright, so it isn't that low of a score, and a lot of people probably agree with that or think the game just sucks overall...but its my favorite game (and series) and I think it deserved a little bit higher because of the gameplay improvements over the original. (Maybe if Final Mix + is released, it will get a higher score because of more features, and yes I know the game was easy but it was fun).
But I guess if it had to be a really low score for a game I really liked...uh...I don't really know. I agree with most of the reviews...but Indigo Prophecy and Fable I would maybe disagree with. I had a lot of fun with those games. And I guess I would add Phoenix Wright (we're going by Gamespot scores right?). Zassimick
[QUOTE="zero9167"]this game was never a ps3 exclusive, it was just never announced for 360.Javy03
Oh, please. The game was only announced for the PS3 - doesn't that make it exclusive to the PS3? Am I missing something here??? Cows treated this as a PS3 exclusive. Now its officially gone. Tell me again why I should go buy a PS3 right now?
And GTA 4 was first officially announced for the 360. DOes that make that exclusive and a loss as well??? THink about what your saying, Whoever thought a multiplat title would be exclusive on its second edition are not very smart.
GTA4 was announced as a same day release on 360 by Microsoft!
if i bought a 360 id fell downgraded theres SOO MUCH the PS3 can do besides games i mean yeah it can play games but other features are welocmed in my book it makes the console better.watching Downloaded Pron from the comp to your Bigscreen priceless Squall_Griver
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