@dev-raid1: You can buy cheap low=mid range hardware, sure and it will still run , but not over 60 fps and not aswell as you want it. I got BF1 to run pretty well on low graphics with an R9 280X, but even then it went under 50fps sometimes, thats not acceptable. To run games REALLY well though, id go for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd tier card and save a few hundred xtra dollars to get it. Then you wont ever be in the comment sections on STEAM or reviews and say how SHt the game runs, because 95% of games will run awesome for you, if you have decent hardware.
@gamingdevil800: but is it helping or hindering their sales at all in any way? CDProject and its Witcher series and philosophy is an example, that it actually means nothing, trying to protect your game, because the people that were going to buy it, were going to buy it anyway and the ones that dont, probably werent going to anyway. Cdproject games have ZERO protection lol.
@gamingdevil800: lol, that wasnt my reason for my comment, but COOL!!!!!
My main reason for the comment, is if your games are awesome, people will buy them , either immediately or eventually and these fckin developers dont need to make life extremely difficult for people that DO buy their games. Their philosophy is completely flawed. That Diablo 3, would of probably sold that 14 million copies WITHOUT DRM or an online only mode on PC. It proves that Piracy doesn't hinder or help the developer in any way. Because the reality is, the peopel buying the product were going to buy it anyway, and the people that WERENT , werent going to buy it. Doesnt matter what anti piracy measures these companies do.
@topgun182: heres the problem with just buying the game though, if its sht, you have just given the company money and reinforced their product and theyll just take that as you loved their product, lol, because you paid for it and if enough people buy it, theyll make more crap. So reviews , although you should always try the game yourself, always, reviews shouldnt be completely disregarded and they are important. Im not buying this, because it has nothing to do with the original law , bar a few references and im into the original universe and law. Not because of the review. But this review does help me reinforce my decision, to not buy it to.
@santinegrete: yeah casting and auditioning, is exactly how he states. Its a small office space, a couch and some random chick reads lines to you or sometimes another dude and you say a bunch of sht on a piece of paper and you walk out, next guy walks in and REALLY big budget movies with massive actors , its all the same.
It seems to not have anything to do with the original universe. It made no sense too me to get it. I have a ton of 3rd person cover shooters. Even Watch dogs has some pretty tricky fun Ai to fight in 3rd person and surprisngly FUN car chases. If i just want a 3rd person shooter, OR GTA 5 or Gears of war or any other number of 3rd person cover shooters, theres tons of them, Ghost recon future soldier. I could even play the original Mass effect Trilogy again. In a Mass Effect game, I want a STORY that matches something to do with the original universe. Not some random place that has nothing to do with it. Id be super keen on a prequel , especially the first war between the Turians and the humans when they first discover artifacts on Mars and that struggle and the choices the counsil had to make when FIRST meeting the humans, would be great, with a YOUNG commander shephard, as a soldier or even without Shephard and a tie in with the Krogans taking over the universe and the Krogans are actually the enemies of all the other races , invading countries and then the genophage. That would be cool as...but some RANDOM , solar system in the ME universe? doesnt appeal to me at all.
@lfebaggins: ill stay away from that sht. If i cant get a pack with a full game in it with all dlc included and expansion packs, I dont touch it , generally. I didnt buy Diablo 3 , because i couldnt play it offline on PC.
nyran125tk's comments