How bout the facial animations and graphics of 2007 compared to Mass effect 2017 in the original Crysis on PC starts at 1:45.
lol...wasnt Morphine, used to help the player when you are wounded in Fallout 3? Isnt Morphine used in times of injury and need in a battlezone!?!?!?!!?!??!?!!??!?!?!
Does Australia ban Saving Private Ryan? or Band Of Brothers? Because theres an entire episode based on Bastogne in Band Of Brothers that , basically the whole episode details a medic that uses Morphine, to help soldiers all through that Episode. Quick BAN reality....quick , quick , quick. Also, people that are addicted to Morphine in real life, most likely dont get their Morphine and meth addiction from video games.
@maverickaw1014: Battlefield 1 on PC is pretty fckin amazing, provided you buy the right hardware, a GTX 1070 and above. Good luck with getting that on the Switch, lol. The graphics might make the system self destruct. GTA 5 is still relevant, heaps of people still play that. NBA 2K 18 will be on the Switch and FIFA will most likely to and Madden eventually and yes, if the Switch gets popular, you can get bet some version of Call OF Duty will be on the Switch. Maybe not final Fantasy, but theyll release something like FF. Guess whats not on every other platform?............Zelda.
@kritvichu: the only big issue i have is that horrid ad, in front of every video I watch, be nice to see some kind of variety, but its the same ad over and over. SPORTSLINE HIDDEN PICKS and PROJECTIONS, ads on every video I watch....that drives me crazy I will never ever do business with those people, even if that business in anyway, interested me, which it doesnt, because of the constant bombardment of in my face ads on every video I watch. But a part from that, all businesses want to make money and ad revenue etc, is a good way for these sites to do it.
Im a big fan of having a solid beginning , middle and an end to a Franchise. In tv series and games. All the best ones are tied up perfectly. The Wire, Breaking Bad. The sopranos should of also been tied up properly in Season 5. Smallville, should not of been 10 seasons long before Clark turned into Superman. Should of been 5 seasons with Clark, 5 Seasons with Superman and Finis. One of the reasons I lost interest in Ass Creed. Is because it just ended up being spin off , after spin off, after spin off. How many Ass Creeds have there been between 4 and 5? Ass Creed has just turned from an interesting Franchise to oh...what country should we set the NEXT Ass Creed in.....fck the story. Lets do it in India!!!! check this out All the Ass Creed games between 4 and the yet designed Ass Creed 5. Rogue, Identity,Unity, China, Syndicate, India and Assassins Creed fckin Russia, lol and 5 doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight, the publisher is having such a great time with the spin offs.
@soul_starter: The only thing that would make me care about single player in Battlefield, would be if they did a territory grab campaign, which pits ALL the maps together like in BF1942, with awesome Ai, that does the objectives in Rush mode properly. That would be great, it means I could play this offline, like Counter Strike Source/condition Zero and Unreal Tournament 2004 and 3 or Quake Team arena. Great for learning the vehicles to at your own pace, plus if you just feel like doing co-op with one other person and dont want to be bogged down with heaps of other players. Im all for single player bots in all MP games (left 4 dead 2 for example, so glad they had bots in that game for offline play). If they are decent. But i didnt really get into the story mode campaign in BF1 very much.
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