well. to be fair, that really does look like Lohan lol. But fck i'm sick of ridiculous patents and copywrite laws, regarding titles of things. People should NOT own words or numbers in any way or form.
this is what im missing from the newer BF games. The games like BF1 and BF1942 and BF vietnam, there's a history to the battles there in the gameplay, which make it so much more interesting for me. I never get that feeling of, this battle here in this city feels historic in BF3 and BF4. They need to try and do that for modern takes on BF games. Like use Afghanistan and Iraq as historical references. Im all for games trying to recapture the terror of realistic war situations.
@iloveyourface: relaxing? I found it to be the most work heavy, labour intensive game ive ever played. I cant remember ever working this had in a game. After awhile, I almost felt like i should be on a salary for playing the game. I almost felt like going to work lol. At least I get paid to work my ass off at work.
@Kos1c: Its really not that complicated. I had to turn the reversals UP , because i found that they wouldnt reverse as much as me. It depends how good at it you are. There is a reversal limit, so they cant actually reverse you after awhile. When they run out, you can hit them with the biggest shots and beat them pretty damn easy. But once you turn the reversal limit off, that's where it becomes a crazy reverse fest. I actually want the Ai to be better than it is really and more human like. The N64 wrestlemania and No Mercy (as much as No Mercy was cool, it was really buggy). The Ai in wrestlemania on N64 was pretty tough adn ALSO reversed everything. It was slower on the N64, but then wrestling itself was also much slower back in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. Todays wrestling is way faster and much more technical. SO perhaps todays wrestling games are also going to be faster and more technical and complicated.
@jayskoon93: Just having npc's mining on the same planets and landing would of been interesting enough. IIt would of been cool to see other miners, explorers and resource hogs. Maybe even fight over resources might of been interesting. But no..............nothing literally happens in this game. It's like im the first man to discover the entire universe of 18 quadrillion planets and all 18 quadrillion planets have the SAME looking plants, foliage and rocks, but have different names. The creatures are interesting. Only reason I continue to dabble in it here and there, is to check out the weird looking creatures. Largest , most boring game around, that's only JUST keeping my interest. I had a friend come over adn watch me play it and he asked me what do you do in this game. I said..just watch me for 30 minutes. So he did and after awhile said, fck this, I cant watch anymore of this sht.
I thought it looked boring as sht as soon as I saw it. There's literally nothing interesting about it to me at all. I go for walks and look at REAL things.
@smokeless_0225: He actually said on national t.v and on talk shows that you CAN meet other players but the universe is to large, so it probably won't happen. So...He kind of lied lol. It might of been Hello games's INTENTION to have it, but on release day, it wasn't there. But i can intend to have a GTX 1080, but I don't have one yet. So if i say to people I have a GTX 1080, but it's hidden away. I'm actually lying. I don't have one YET, but I will probably have one in the future. Might be waiting for he 1080Ti though. If i say I have it now, im full of sht, because I don't lol
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