@Vividnightmare: The sad part is, it seems to be legal to lie about games. Watch Dogs, plenty of game companies do this. I don't actually know why our court system allows this, for this business. Where the fck is consumer protection these days? They did actually lie about meeting people in space. They'll most likely patch it in later. But still, it wasn't there on release day, it was bullsht. I think i might play Mass effect again, it has a universe and theres WAY more to do and the civilizations in the game are much more interesting and Mining and resource grinding is only a small part of it. This game is literally only about resource mining. I've learnt about the GEK civilization adn learnt over 200 words now, they really arent very interesting lol.
@Bread_or_Decide: For sure , I waited to The Witcher 3 and im so glad I waited till all dlc is out and all the patches and expansion packs have been released and It cost me way less for the entire game inc expansions , than it did on release day. Same with Skyrim, I waited fort the GOTY complete edition adn I'm even waiting for the Fallout 4 complete edition before I touch that game to. I agree with you. With today's game companies, I almost feel like i cant buy a game on day one. I feel like im constantly playing half a game on release day, then 6 months later they finally release the FULL game with all the dlc and expansion packs and the cool thing is single player games you don't really need to play them on day one. They can be played anytime. EVEN Street fighter 5 of all the games in the world that do this, haven't yet released the full game yet!!
@TUnified: Or maybe one device opens up 20 areas of interest , you zoom out once, Sees the most important one , then it dots 20 location Icons around the area immediately without the zoom mechanics with each individual selection. That would of been at least easier to handle and I wouldn't cringe everytime I see one of those navigational lazer beam devices. There's literallly thousands of these things. To expect the player (even though its just an option, you an just fly around trying to find stuff. But that's not every specific. You get much more specific information from those lazer beamed navigational contraptions. I still want that precision, but without the annoying zoom mechanic and it should flat out open up more icons on the terrain, in one swoop. 20 minimum.
This entire game is literally the Mass effect 1 and 2 Planet scanning and mining mini game. But with 18 quadrilion planets. But ive been to 6 planets now and im seriously not doing anything different at all. Also those roundish devices with lazer beams going into the sky dotted around the planet to navigate buildings of interest, has a really annoying Assassins creed style zoom out mechanic, its ok after about 20 of them but After a few hundred of them...it REALLY gets old. I would of rather probably had to create 1 chip to open all 4 places around me at one time , without the zoom mechanic for each individual option. Just see the 4 areas like Farcry 3 and thats that. Move on. Next point of interest. Having to create 4 chips and zoom out 4 times to see 4 places of interest, is really annoying after doing it over and over again. I could go on all day, with this game. It has potential, I MIGHT see whats in the centre of the universe, maybe, if i can handle it. But im not so sure i can grind all the way to the centre of the universe. Love seeing the interesting creatures though.
@wtf_666: also by the time, Ive finished it, i probably wont come back for seconds, the grinding is to much for me. In Mass Effect 2 the planet scanning got pretty irritating after a few dozen planets. It got better as the player upgraded the mining equipment. So maybe this will to. But there was more to Mass Effect than the planet scanning. this is like an open world version of the Mass effect 2 mining mini game, combined with the Mass effect 1 planet exploration mini game.
@bottaboomstick: Yeah, but GTA keep me entertained with the characters and story and theres more LIFE in GTA, oh and theres way more to do in GTA. There's more life happening on one street in any of the GTA games , than the entire universe of No Man's Sky. There's more life happening in one room of Mass Effect or one tavern, than an entire planet in No man's sky. There's no life in No Man's Sky. It looks like there is, but when you really watch the animals, they aren't doing anything accept running around aimlessly.
Play for one hour and you'll have done and almost seen everything you need to know and see. Accept for some random creatures on other planets.
I'm still playing it, mainly to see what silly looking creatures I can find, as they walk and run around aimlessly everywhere , doing pretty much nothing.
Also the people that think this is a chill experience. I have seriously mined and worked in this game more than any other game ive played for years. Ive farmed and worked and farmed and worked. That's all you do in No mans sky, is physical mental labour. When i see a giant aluminium rock now, i almost cringe knowing how much WORK im going to have to do to mine it. There's nothing chill about it, I almost feel like I should be getting paid to play this for all the labour. I hope this little mining tool has an upgrade that instantly collects 250 gold in 1 second.
@bottaboomstick: and mine and mine. Actually ive done more work in this game than i think any game ive played for years. Since the Mass effect 2 mining the planets mini game. I think Skyrim is more chill than this.
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