amd powered laptops are not known for their battery life.if you value battery life so much go for intel's CULV(consumer ultra low voltage) processor powered laptop to get the perfect balance between power and battery life.processor of the SU series of intel are the best for battery life and provide superior batterl life.why dont you look at the acer timeline or whatever it is called,it provides 8 hrs of battery life and still pretty cheap.
hey guys i have the trial version and it is refusing to runbecause the minimum resolution 1280.1024 is not laptop supports 1280.720,1600.900,1920.1080 and 1024.768.any thoughts?.....
i have a card which is just below yours(see in my sig) and i beleive my processor is better.but i play most games on high settings.i am playing gta 4 on 1280.720 at medium with shadows turned on and withshadows turned off i play at 1600.900 and medium settings.
there has been several hot debation phenom 2 x4 965 vs core i7 processors.but on the mobile front intel has already released the core i7 processors.amd's processors can't even compete with the basic core 2 duos in the mobile market and with the release of core i7 extreme edition for laptops amd has lost its address in the mobile market.while amd is trying to match intel in the desktop market it has completely ignored the laptops where i think intel is making a lot of money without competition.what do you guys think about his?.
many online articles show that the 3dmark vantage score of a4870x2 is slightly higher than the 5870.does this mean the 4870x2 is still going to edge out 5870 when it comes out
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